I have a number of Xiaomi Aqara motion sensors in my house set up using deconz Conbee II. I’ve had them for about a month, and they have all been working fine for the last month, until now.
For some strange reason, some of that stats that one of them is reporting back to Conbee doesn’t seem to be relaying to Home Assistant and therefore not activating automations.
I don’t think this is a problem with the sensor, as the stats are appearing in Conbee every few minutes (as you can see from the picture below). But that information doesn’t seem to be appearing in my Home Assistant logbook, like the other same make sensors that I have.
Has anybody else had this problem or have a solution? To be clear, it’s just happening with one sensor out of the eight that I have.
I’ve only been using HA for a week now. I have a couple of Sengled bulbs, an Osram A19 and a Sonoff BASICZBR3 connected to a Conbee II working fine. I just received and tried pairing a Xiaomi motion sensor and, after eventually getting it paired, I have no triggers? (In HomeSeer-speak they are called “child” devices). I haven’t figured out yet who/where to report this…
Yes I was planning to but was perusing for other issues that might be like mine and happened to see this one asking a question similar to mine so I was adding my experience.