Xiaomi aqara only reports battery level

I was able to pair an Aqara wireless switch to HA, but it only reports the battery level. I don’t see a switch instance ID.
I use a Nortek HUSBZB-1 stick. I have no other hubs.
Is there a call service and/or yaml configuration that I need to do?


I think you will need to use a Blueprint for theses.

For example:-

Zigbee wireless switches will only show a battery entity; for most platforms you will need to listen for events to handle button presses.

In my own case I use deconz so I need to listen to deconz_event in Developer Tools -> Events. This will show you the device name and events as you use the switch, so that you can write an automation based on these events. For your particular setup you might be using zha? So I think you’re looking for zha_event.

An example of one of my automation triggers:

    platform: event
    event_type: deconz_event
      id: smart_lamp_switch
      event: 1001     # hold has started

Thanks guys for the suggestions! I will try to implement them tonight. I’ll report back what happens


That worked for me! I implemented it using Node Red. I used an Events node as a zha_event then utilized a couple of switch nodes then a service call node. first switch node contains the device_ieee and the second one contains the command string.

This is not the node red forum.

But if you are actually using home assistant go to Configuration|Devices then click on the device, then follow your nose to the automations.

I use node red inside of home assistant for most of my automations. I just didn’t realize that I had to listen for zha_event. This was my first Zigbee button-- didn’t even know that I needed an automation to make it work.