Xiaomi BLE "Temperature and humidity Sensor 2" (LYWSD03MMC)- not receiving phone notifications

Hi all,

I have a question in using “Temperature and humidity Sensor 2” (Model : LYWSD03MMC).

Basically, I want to receive phone notifications from Mi home app when the sensor temperature value changes above/below a limit but I am not receiving any notifications.

I connected the sensor with my android mobile phone using bluetooth. Please note that I don’t have any gateway/hub. In Mi Home app, I added the sensor and I can see the temperature and humidity value. Then I went to Automation section,clicked “+”, under “If…”, I selected the sensor, clicked “Lower than the specified temperature” and choose “17deg celsius” and clicked “Done”. Under “Then”, selected “Send notifications to phone” and selected "tick sign"and in “Set name” popup, selected “Result notifications” and clicked “OK” button. This scene is added but I never received any notifications at all eventhough the sensor temperature was 16 degree celsius.The app says its already up to date.

I tried many times in different occasions but still cant figure out the problem on why the phone notifications are not received. It would be very helpful if someone could help.

Thanks in advance.

This is a Home Assistant Forum, your question is not related to Home Assistant at all.

Yes, you are right. Firstly, I apologize for posting it in this forum.

Since, I see that many people in the community use Xiaomi smart devices in HA projects, I strongly believe they would at-least tried Mi Home app and would better know and help me on this. Moreover, I have already spent quite a time searching for answers and posting in Mi forum but there was no help.

I am just a beginner in these home automation projects and I see how complex is it to set up these projects and can be very difficult for people initially at-least. For time being and as the winter has come up, I would like to find a quick solution for a small automation.

Basically, I want to switch on/off the electric heater power supply based on the temperature from the Mi “Temperature and Humidity Sensor 2” in my rented apartment.
I just got Mi smart plug (wifi) and did not get a gateway or hub as I may go for HA later.
Please feel free to suggest a solution.

Thanks in advance.

That’s true, in fact I have at least 30 Xiaomi devices in my own setup as well. But people here on the forum do their automations with HA and not with the app, the “bad” app from Mi was probably also the reason that many people choose to use HA instead to overcome the lacking features of the app.

I never used the Mi Home app, I dom’t even have a Xiaomi gateway.

I just doubt that you’ll find anyone here that uses the app instead of HA, as yeah, it’s a HA forum.

Your problem could also be that you don’t have a gateway, as the sensor communicates over bluetooth, so the value will only be updated when the phone is connected to the sensor. I also don’t know how the Mi automations work, if it should send a message when it’s below 17, will it send a message every time a temp is measured below 17 (this would mean you get a notification every time the sensor updates, which could be 1 min) or if the sensor needs to go above 17 and then below 17 again to trigger a notification. If it’s the latter case, the temp probably never went above 17 and therfore never triggered.

Just to let you know, your automation would be really easy to do with HA.

automation works only with ble gateway which pass ble sensor data to the cloud.


Thank you for your understanding and explaining me in detail. As you have mentioned, I also believe the issues of apps like Mi Home app and poor support pushes people into HA.

Please can you suggest from where I should start. I really appreciate your help.

@rezmus and @Burningstone.
Regarding the BLE gateway, I think you both are right . In the Mi Home app, after the sensor is connected to the phone through BLE and when the specific sensor is selected, I can see the current sensor data and its history. Moreover, I can see the BLE symbol in the sensor. But when I go outside the specific sensor info in the app, the BLE symbol in the sensor disappears. So, I think BLE gateway is needed.

Do you have a raspberry pi? If yes, you could use it as the BLE gateway instead of the Xiqomi Mi one.

Not Raspberry pi but I think I have the beaglebone black (BBB) from 2015. If its very difficult to set up with BBB, I can get a new Raspberry pi. Which version of Raspberry pi do you suggest ?

Also, which kind of smart power socket should I look into?

I don’t know the beaglebone but as far as I can see it doesn’t have bluetooth built in, does it?

I suggest getting a Pi 3/4, depending on your needs, I think for the beginning a Pi 3 should be sufficient, if your setup gets too big at one point, you can just buy a Pi 4 or something other more powerful and move it there.

That depends. Do you have other smart devices at home already or only the sensor from Xiaomi? Does the plug need to measure power as well or do you simply want to turn it on/off?

You are right. BeagleBoneBlack does not have bluetooth and wifi. But it seems a bluetooth dongle and wifi adapter can be attached. I believe wifi is needed for HA. I need to see how far I can go with it. If not, I will get a Pi 3/4.

For the moment, I just have Xiaomi sensors but it may expand in the future. The smart plug just need to turn on/off based on the automation scene and no need to measure power.

Wired connection would be preferable when possible.

Then look for a WiFi plug that has an integration with Home Assistant.