Xiaomi CGG1 Encryption key extraction


Has anyone successfully managed to extract the encryption key for the new Xiaomi Quingping CGG1 temperature sensor ? and if so how ??

for use with the passive BLE monitor integration

Many Thanks

I tried with Telink (https://atc1441.github.io/TelinkFlasher.html) but I can’t get it. Finally I used the Xiaomi Home mod app method ( https://github.com/custom-components/ble_monitor/blob/0712c582d9489c1518459f8d6900e0ae862ae9ea/faq.md#my-sensors-ble-advertisements-are-encrypted-how-can-i-get-the-key ).

You may have solved this by now., But if not and for others, I had no need to find the encryption key for these sensors.

They are supported directly, at the time of my message. eg:

  - platform: xiaomi_cgg1
    mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
      name: "Temp"
      name: "Humidity"
      name: "Battery"