Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

1 corresponds to the number I gave in the Xiazomi kitchen app …

Oops! I just understood that in state there are the numbers of the parts …!
How do you know what they correspond to?

By trial and error :wink:

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Thank you for everything !
It’s ok it works!
But to trim my card with a lot of blue around I can not …

I don’t understand what to write in the card, everything I try is not working …

In addition to my problem to crop my map above, I also allow myself to ask you:

How to configure

  • repeat
  • and the suction force in my script please?


  • service: vacuum.send_command
    entity_id: vacuum.wall_e
    command: app_segment_clean
    • 20
    • 17
    • 22
      entity_id: vacuum.wall_e
      mode: single

To trim map add this to config of camera:

        top: 20
        bottom: 20
        left: 20
        right: 20

It will trim 20% of card size from all sides.

To change suction force use service: vacuum.set_fan_speed

Yes yes yes !!! Thanks !
And repeat zone…?

Just add it multiple times (in params)

Exemple please ? :frowning:

- service: vacuum.send_command
    entity_id: vacuum.wall_e
    command: app_segment_clean
      - 20
      - 17
      - 17
      - 22

But to be honest I am not sure if this really works, because I don’t use room numbers

this command connects the part numbers but not the repetition of passages …

Great mod! Thank you.
I tried to setup the map and everything works fine.
is there a way to hide the room colors? So it looks more like in your example

Sure, you can change every color on a map :wink:
In your case you should change all room colors to the same one (documentation).

I’m trying to install this custom. I use ‘Xiaomi Cloud Tokens Extractor’ app to verify all my data of Xiaomi cloud, then enable “camera:” setting in config file, “Check configuration” go forever without finish,… I’m afraid in restarting HA, should I do?

It is a problem with dependencies installation. You have to follow these steps:

  1. install component
  2. restart HA
  3. add camera configuration
  4. restart HA

Just wanted to say thanks, nice job!! I’m loving this along with the cards. Managed to get everything setup nicely. Aside from the few annoying errors in my log (camera thumbnail deprecated, unable to retrieve map data, camera took longer than scheduled update interval) all is working perfectly.

Even managed to figure out rooms, then create scripts per room along with an input_select and Choose automation.

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Hi Piotr,
is it possible to implement the Dreame F9?

Hi, if it doesn’t work with current version then it probably uses a new API, so it’s impossible at this moment.

Hi CM000n, how did you put the image of Map extractor instead of default in the vacuum card?

Hi. I suspect that the answer to my question does not lie in the plane of “Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor”, but I need help.
I`m install «Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor»:
in folder


copy files:




  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_host
    token: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_token
    username: !secret xiaomi_cloud_username
    password: !secret xiaomi_cloud_password
    draw: [‘all’]
    • calibration_points

Checking the configuration returns an error:
«Platform error camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor - Requirements for xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor not found: [‘pybase64’].»
In log error:
Unable to install package pybase64. WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=3, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘ReadTimeoutError(“HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘files_pythonhosted_org’, port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)”)’: /packages/38/b8/1732027d79ac822f19b6e6806ef9bc6817a65a57f577db412fa877d10650/pybase64-1.0.2.tar.gz

And also, for example, when installing HACS in the logs error:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘files_pythonhosted_org’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /packages/18/54/3d39bae75219e639ef2f1ac65e4bc58480490d01658056584231729c2803/aiogithubapi-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (Caused by ReadTimeoutError(“HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘files_pythonhosted_org’, port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)”))

I.e. as I understood (I am new to HA and Linux is generally zero) Home Assistant sees a new component and tries to install the necessary package, but something does not give it. Although OS updates, HA updates are successful. I.e. on the Internet sees.

Home Assistant 0.118.2
HassOS 4.17
Runs in a vmware VM, from a vmdk image

====== Added after the issue was resolved =======

Yes. My suspicions were confirmed. Restrictions on access to various sites prevent you from installing components. Used instructions bypassed the blockages and everything worked.Thanks.