Hi Piotr,
First of thanks for this amazing integration! I use the S5 Max an i had given up hope that i would be able to integrate it fully in my HA setup.
I have managed to follow your instructions and get it more or less fully operational. However, i have one issue i haven’t been able to solve. The map is extracted from the cloud and showing all features correctly except the path drawing. As you see there is a red line, this is always static and never updating while the robot is cleaning… Is this an issue with grabbing the map data?
I did try to remove the country setting but then it extracts nothing. While i did add my device in another european country it seems to extract using “de”.
I should point out that i can no longer connect to my device through Xiaomi Home App but i have connection in my HA and can control it from there.
I hope you can guide me to solve this, i’m new at HA so i might be missing something really obvious…
My configuration.yaml looks like this:
- platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
host: !secret roborock_host
token: !secret roborock_token
username: !secret roborock_username
password: !secret roborock_password
country: "de"
- charger
- path
- goto_path
- predicted_path
- no_go_zones
- no_mopping_zones
- vacuum_position
- virtual_walls
- zones
color_map_inside: [128, 128, 128]
color_map_outside: [255, 255, 255, 0]
color_map_wall: [100, 196, 254]
color_map_wall_v2: [93, 109, 126]
color_grey_wall: [93, 109, 126]
color_path: [255, 0, 0]
color_goto_path: [0, 255, 0]
color_predicted_path: [255, 255, 0, 0]
color_zones: [0xAD, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0x8F]
color_zones_outline: [0xAD, 0xD8, 0xFF]
color_virtual_walls: [255, 0, 0]
color_no_go_zones: [255, 33, 55, 127]
color_no_go_zones_outline: [255, 0, 0]
color_no_mop_zones: [163, 130, 211, 127]
color_no_mop_zones_outline: [163, 130, 211]
color_charger: [0x66, 0xfe, 0xda, 0x7f]
color_robo: [75, 235, 149]
color_unknown: [0, 0, 0]
color_scan: [0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF]
1: [240, 178, 122]
2: [133, 193, 233]
3: [217, 136, 128]
4: [52, 152, 219]
5: [205, 97, 85]
6: [243, 156, 18]
7: [88, 214, 141]
8: [245, 176, 65]
9: [252, 212, 81]
10: [72, 201, 176]
11: [84, 153, 199]
12: [133, 193, 233]
13: [245, 176, 65]
14: [82, 190, 128]
15: [72, 201, 176]
16: [165, 105, 18]
scale: 2
top: 10
bottom: 15
left: 30
right: 20
- calibration_points
- charger
- goto
- goto_path
- goto_predicted_path
- image
- is_empty
- map_name
- no_go_areas
- no_mopping_areas
- obstacles
- path
- room_numbers
- rooms
- vacuum_position
- vacuum_room
- walls
- zones
seconds: 10
auto_update: true
My vacuum popup card looks like this:
- type: picture-elements
title: Kartläggning
image: "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 75 75' /%3E"
class: add_header
style: |
.card-header {
margin: -0.3em 0 0 0.75em;
- type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
map_camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
camera_calibration: true
top: 50%
left: 47.5%
width: 60%