Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

Hmmmmm, Iā€™m afraid that it is missingā€¦


Iā€™m on 2022.2 and I believe Iā€™ve done everything according to the instructions, but Iā€™m getting the following errors in log

2022-03-05 11:52:27 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.vacuum] The xiaomi_miio platform for the vacuum integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

2022-03-05 11:52:27 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera] The xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor platform for the camera integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

The camera entity isnā€™t showing up

You have some problems with your configuration.yaml file, you can paste it here

Here you go mate, thanks for offering to look at it


@RKor, I am wondering about this part inside your configuration.yaml:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    host: 192.168.1.xxx
    token: xxxx

Most Xiaomi Miio devices support configuration using the Home Assistant UI, except for the Xiaomi device tracker and Xiaomi IR Remote. Please read the linked sections for those devices for more information.

The actual Xiaomi Miio integration is getting fully setup using config-flow and there is no need to configure anything for it within configuration.yaml.

I have two Roborock S5 Max devices running through Xiaomi Miio on HA 2022.2 using xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor and no problems so far.

As for xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor this looks ok:

  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: 192.168.1.xxx
    token: xxx
    username: [email protected]
    password: xxxxxxx
    draw: ['all']
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Since the update to HA 2022.3 and its new Google Material Design, several cards have broken layouts (dropdowns and so on), including the Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor.
Here is how mine displays now with
Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor 2.1.5
Xiaomi Vacuum Map Card 2.0.10
(the buttons below the map).

Are you aware of the problem ?
Is there any solution yet ?
Am I even at the right place ? :wink: (sorry if not)
Thanks !

This is a problem with map card, not extractor. It has already been raised: https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/issues/365


Besides the broken UI with the Buttons, any idea why the map of this robot is partially tilted?
I have a second roborock and the map is just fine so I am a little puzzled about what happened to this one?

How does it look like in Xiaomi Home?

I just realized it looks the same :neutral_face: :joy:
Yeah that seems to be an issue with the robot thenā€¦ Will delete and rebuild the map. Never had that before. Weird.

Edit: I was able to use a map backup from March 1st auto-generated due to ā€œautomatic updateā€. Since then the map seems to have crashed. No idea what was updated or by whom. I certainly didnā€™t open the app in a while :wink:

Guys, off-topic , but I see that lots of people are using also dreameā€¦ What integration are you using for it? ā€¦

I use this one: Issues Ā· pooyashahidi/xiaomi_vacuum Ā· GitHub

But seems when dreame was offline for a reason, it doesnā€™t reconnectā€¦ Need to restart HA then

Try this component, I think I remember reading stuff about Dreame vacuumsā€¦

Aha, something to try out, thnx

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hey @pplucky or someone else having DREAME , also using zones? ā€¦
my dreame robot is sometimes not getting to the room, its not smart enough to go in room F, it doesnt eve goto the first door, it wants to try like the black pen, directly trough the wall :wink:

It needs to follow the red penā€¦

so i was thinking to create a zone bigger then room E , so it already starts a little bit cleaning in room F
But how to extract the zones? is there an easy way ?

Unfortunately I donā€™t own a Dreame vacuum, my previous tip was not based on own experienceā€¦

Good luck anyway.

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Can you add support for this?


Submit a PR, thx!

Anyone experienced this? Map looks fine until I restart Xiaomi map cloud extractor. The right side of the vacuum map is cut off after that, zooming out shows this:

Lovelace config:

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: vacuum.roborock_s5
vacuum_platform: default
  camera: camera.vacuum_map_upstairs
  camera: true
map_locked: true
two_finger_pan: true

This only affects my S5, while the map for S7 never gets affected.

Look 13 posts up. The answer is just one post thereafter and another reply to the issue can be found only 3 posts above yoursā€¦ :crazy_face: