Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

Has anyone noticed their Xiaomi app is no longer loading the map, and that it fails to load in home assistant too?

I know it’s not strictly related to this component but others using the component may have noticed it. Seems like something is seriously broken on Xiaomi’s side.


Yes, it has been noticed by other users as well

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Same problem with two Roborock S6 Pure in two Home Assistant instances at same time and in different places.

Maps can’t be retrieved in official app either.


I have same problem. First app and HA wont load map.
After changing different regions in app it now shows again map but no luck so far in HA.

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@alejandro.cerdena @Twig_Bark the potential solution is in the link above

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Maps have been working for hours without any problems.

It fixed itself. Hope doesn’t happen again.


Hi :slight_smile: I use this blueprint for scheduling under certain conditions: ⏱ Scheduled Timeslot Automation (e.g., Vacuum)

I made also predefined zones to clean:

  • template: vacuum_clean_zone
  • template: vacuum_clean_zone_predefined
    • zones:
        • 29124
        • 26470
        • 30747
        • 27888
          text: Desk
          x: 29822
          ‘y’: 27145
          offset_y: 5
    • zones:
        • 25727
        • 22743
        • 27528
        • 24780
          text: Kitchen
          x: 26447
          ‘y’: 23820
          offset_y: 5

How can I integrate it into this schedule to clean only the Kitchen (zone) at a certain time?

Open card editor, select room you want to clean and click “copy service call” in the editor. You will get a service call that is used by the card, you adjust it and use in any automation/script you like

What are these dots? And is there a way to turn the map?

They are object detections.

You can rotate the map by using following config:

  rotate: 90

It looks like in your map the objects that I said need to be ignored doesn’t go away because that dots don’t exist in the Mi Home App, a object that robot realized doesn’t exist anymore are going away but I tried saying the robot to ignore some objects but in your map they stayed.

You can disable them by using following config:

draw: ["charger", "cleaned_area", "goto_path", "no_go_zones", "no_mopping_zones", "path", "predicted_path", "vacuum_position", "virtual_walls", "zones"]

I realized in the draw ignored obstacles and -with photos are enabled so I just didn’t put them but there is no need to delete the obstacles, anyways, thanks for the help!

Can I use this integration with original Roborock app?

You can use this one instead:

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Yes you can @GigiDuru

It works natively with the Roborock custom component otherwise it works normally if you just get the extractor and then the map

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I notice that the robot during movement and also cleaning takes a long time for an update of its movement to occur, about 30 seconds on average for the new location where it is to appear, how do I get it to be updated with much less time,
like around 2 to 3 seconds? I’ve already tried using the command below in configuration.yaml but it didn’t work.

  seconds: 3
auto_update: true

By default the map should be refreshed every 5s, but it has to be uploaded to the cloud by the vacuum. You have to restart HA after changing the interval for it to be applied.

Having said that, downloading and parsing the map might be resource-hungry, so reducing the interval might not improve anything. Which vacuum model do you have?

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I use Roborock S5 MAX, is it something in the code that I didn’t do? I saw that you mentioned that we should download the map, mine currently has a map as in the photo below, but I don’t know if the map has already been downloaded,
should I make some code to download the map in another place or within the system would that be it? Below is part of the code inside the Home Assistant. I’m using the v2.2.0-beta version of the card.

type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
preset_name: Mapa Ao Vivo
camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
camera: true
language: pt-BR
entity: vacuum.roborock_s5_max
vacuum_platform: default

  • name: Cômodos
    icon: mdi:floor-plan
    run_immediately: false
    coordinates_rounding: true
    selection_type: ROOM
    max_selections: 999
    repeats_type: EXTERNAL
    max_repeats: 3
    service: vacuum.send_command
    command: app_segment_clean
    entity_id: ‘[[entity_id]]’
    - segments: ‘[[selection]]’
    repeat: ‘[[repeats]]’

Well, you see the map, so it means that it has been downloaded :wink:
camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor entity downloads the map for you

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