Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

This integration doesn’t control the vacuum in any way, it just downloads the map.

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Hi guys

is there a posibility to have 2 roborock devices using the map extractor?
I am trying to use an s7 and an s5 but when selecting the entity in the card, only one of them is shown.
Any direction/hint?

thanks in advance

Code of config.yaml

#S7 one

  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Parter”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi
    seconds: 10
    draw: [‘all’]
  • calibration_points
  • rooms
  • room_numbers
  • path
    scale: 2
    rotate: 90
    top: 20
    bottom: 20
    left: 22
    right: 22

#s5 one

  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Etaj”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi
    seconds: 10
    draw: [‘all’]
  • calibration_points
  • rooms
  • room_numbers
  • path
    scale: 2
    rotate: 90
    top: 20
    bottom: 20
    left: 22
    right: 22

I would suggest to remove path from attributes (it reduces performance)

#S7 one
  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Parter”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi
    seconds: 10
    draw: [‘all’]
      - calibration_points
      - rooms
      - room_numbers
      - path
      scale: 2
      rotate: 90
        top: 20
        bottom: 20
        left: 22
        right: 22

#s5 one
  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Etaj”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi
    seconds: 10
    draw: [‘all’]
      - calibration_points
      - rooms
      - room_numbers
      - path
      scale: 2
      rotate: 90
        top: 20
        bottom: 20
        left: 22
        right: 22
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i’ve removed the path. thanks!
Meanwhile still i cannot have both robots despite i have configured 2 camera’s platform for each one in the config.yaml.
Is this config with 2 roboock vacuums supported? Or i can manage just 1 of them via this integration?

#S7 Vacuum
  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Parter”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi

#S5 Vacuum
#S7 one
  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: xxx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    store_map_path: /tmp
    country: “sg”
    name: “Aspirator Etaj”
    auto_update: true
    store_map_raw: false
    store_map_image: true
    force_api: xiaomi

Use my config from comment above, just remove path rows

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Is the S5 robot still supported? mine stopped working a long time ago (just the map).
The map on the phone works, in Home Assistant it says “failed to retrieve device”.

Yes, it is. Check out this issue:

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Hello @3_14
Thank you for your great work with this integration.
Recently I have updated my config and realised that two rooms are not split any more as I can see those in Roborock App.
Red line on a screenshot is where rooms should be divided. What more interesting they are under different ID on a config.

And screenshot from Roborock App where rooms are separate

Roborock App working with no issues, for example cleaning only small room (corridor), vacuum cleaner then return to the base. Activating same area through Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor, vacuum carry on cleaning Master bedroom after finishes Corridor and then returning back to the base.

Please can you let me know what can I do to sort this issue? Not sure id re-map will help in this situation.

Thank you

If you use Roborock app and integration then you can’t use Map Extractor. I assume you meant Vacuum Map Card. In such case colors can’t be changed by the card (it just displays the image). Maybe it is possible to do it in the Roborock integration, but that needs to be checked.

Hello @3_14 .
Sorry, posted to wrong thread. Yes, I have that all through Lovelace Vacuum Map card. Shall I move my question there?
Thank you

No, it can’t be changed using the card. You have to ask it under Roborock integration.

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Thank you Sir!

Hi, trying to setup integration and get the following error(i have changed some numbers) "The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor]: expected str for dictionary value @ data[‘token’]. Got 34123463574849123451546465412349. (See ?, line ?). "
Token is valid and consists of numbers only. I got it from Vevs Mihome.
What should i do?

Enclose it in double quotes

Feeling stupid. Thanks!

Is there any way to add more than one vacuum?
I’m getting the same map for both vacuums (the first one that was added in configuration.yaml).

You have to add name in every camera

Nice work! how did you do this?
Is it possible to share your code and/or more pictures?
I want to implement this for my vacuum.
Sorry for my bad english.

I was hoping that I could use this integration for the map … it looks awesome. But I get this message:


For some, unknown, reason, this ijai.vacuum.v3 is completely disregarded by almost every integration :frowning: Is there any hope for us stuck with this robot?

Thank you in advance.

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I am following this, as I have a Xiaomi Mop e10 ( xiaomi.vacuum.b112) and have the same issue - it would be nice to capture the path it already took, so I could put it on as a layer on my floorplan of the house.