Xiaomi curtain B1 not working anymore

i have 2 B1 xiaomi curtain motors. They worked fine and appeared as cover.id in HA.
For some reason i noticed my automation was not working anymore, and noticed the cover entities were not available. I deleted them in HA, and repaired in z2m.
Now i cannot find them anymore, i only see these:





in mqtt i have this:


{"availability":[{"topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}],"command_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/gordijnen_achter/set","device":{"identifiers":["zigbee2mqtt_0x04cf8cdf3c756fab"],"manufacturer":"Xiaomi","model":"Aqara B1 curtain motor  (ZNCLDJ12LM)","name":"gordijnen_achter","sw_version":"Zigbee2MQTT 1.18.2-dev"},"json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/gordijnen_achter","name":"gordijnen_achter","position_template":"{{ value_json.position }}","position_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/gordijnen_achter","set_position_template":"{ \"position\": {{ position }} }","set_position_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/gordijnen_achter/set","unique_id":"0x04cf8cdf3c756fab_cover_zigbee2mqtt"}

i cannot find any sensor to control the curtains in HA

The only etities i see in HA are these:

gordijnen_voor_battery 76 %
gordijnen_voor_linkquality 63 lqi
gordijnen_voor_update_available Uit
gordijnen_voor_update_state idle
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try reinstall zigee2mqtt. Previously I’m using zigbee2mqtt-edge. After I uninstall and reinstall zigbee2mqtt. My cover is working well now.

i am running zigbee2mqtt, wel i think?
Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.18.3 (commit #f2e39af1)

I’m having the exact same issue. I can manually open and close curtains going into the webui of zigbee2mqtt but the cover entity was showing orphaned and when I removed and readded the curtains the cover state is missing (just battery and link quality showing). Believe this happened after installing the latest update.

Did you ever find a fix for this?

I managed to get it working again by deleting zigbee2mqtt, setting up zha, then reverting back to zigbee2mqtt… Bit of a bodge. Issue seemed to be with zigbee2mqtt and just removing and reinstalling alone didn’t work for me.