The Xiaomi VIMA smart lock cylinder isn’t supported by Home Assistant.
its firmware is not mature.
It is impossible to create smart automations becouse it is impossible to discover wich of 5 key is opening the door.
Few days ago I installed zigbb2mqtt with the project to replace the Xaomi Gateway that cause me many connection alerts.
I discovered that zigbee2mqtt support VIMA smart cylinder and now it is supported by Home Assistant as a sensor.
Now in HA it show the number ok key use to open the door… 01, 02, 03… etc.
But after it show the number of key it retain persistent.
I wish to reset its state… to null.
How can I do it?
ths is a simple automation… after “Welcome Vincent” I wish to reset key value of sensor
- alias: Welcome after door open
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.0x00158d00028e3516_lock
to: '01'
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.soggiorno
message: "Welcome Vincent!"
language: 'en'
cache: false
- service: ????