Hi everybody,
I have been using my Xiaomi Dafang
camera with custom Xiaofang
firmware for over a year now. Just now I realized that it perfectly integrated with Home Assistant, so I did that…
I followed the official documentation when I integrated the camera.
Question: how do I get the motion detected sensor?
I followed instructions, read everything twice (after realizing the sensor is missing, so three times now), and I assured that motion detection is, indeed, working. I did this by enabling motion detection as well as the function to follow motion around. Then I entered that room, walked a bit, and the camera did indeed turn to keep me within frame when I moved around.
So motion detection is working. ALL other sensors and even additional settings (PTZ, controlling its LEDs, toggling RTSP server, etc. etc.) work fine. But the main thing I’d like to have is the motion sensor.
MQTT cannot be broken, as the device is both discovered by Home Assistant successfully, as well as me being able to read look at current payloads via mosquitto_sub in the command line.
Anybody else having this problem? Or might know how to fix it? Thank you for your ideas