Xiaomi Gateway 3 integration wrong telnet command

Hello, long time was looking, but can’t find, what I must to write in the “Key” section.


Using gateway 3 integration, if i leave blank, shows me “wrong open telnet comand”
If I wright: {“method”:“enable_telnet_service”,“params”:“”} also “wrong open telnet comand”
If I wright {"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; passwd -d admin ; echo enable > /sys/class/tty/tty/enable; telnetd"}} also this same.

xiaomi_gateway3 integration “version”: “3.3.4”
Home Assistant OS" “version”: “2023.11.3”
Gateway 3 Version: 1.5.6_0001 Model :ZNDMWG03LM
I know the version is to new, but I try and before with oldest one, just can’t knoe which one it was.

Sorry I’am new.


any luck with this error?

am having the same issue

I’ve got the same issue… anyone else solve this without having to run an old version of HA?

same problem. can’t add xiaomi gateway. Aqara works very well. Maybe I should dump xiaomi devices all over.