Xiaomi Gateway 3 (ZNDMWG03LM) Mesh update interval

First and foremost a big thanks to the creator AlexxIT for his excellent work in developing Xiaomi Gateway 3 integration. It really helps a lot as I am not a fan who likes my automation to be stored in the cloud after using his integration, all control and sensors can be carried out locally.

I have a dozen of Xiaomi Mesh power socket (ZNCZ01ZM) which is capable of getting outlet, power, led, power_protect, power_value.

As I understood (maybe I’m wrong) that the Mesh message can be sent out randomly by the device itself thus we don’t have much control over how often we wanted to. As such automation might not be able to trigger at the precise moment if needed.

As for my device (ZNCZ01ZM) it gets updated roughly at about 9 to 10 mins timeframe and even if it gets updated, I believe its just a message to response to the gateway it is still there, it don’t contain the full message.

A good example is for my device D1-3 the last mesh message update was 7:24 mins ago but the last update for power usage was 3 hours.

But somehow, I notice once I fire up my Mi Home app and enter into the D1-3 device, the app will update the complete messages back to the gateway.

So I think beside having the device to send the message randomly we can somehow focus it to send it back to the gateway.

I am still thinking if it’s possible to get the URL or link as if we query the device from the Mi Home app and using automation to revisit the links as and when we like to update the statue. Or maybe there is already a solution for this? (ps apologies for having to squeeze all screenshot into one picture)