Xiaomi Gateway 30 devices limit?

Has any one got more than 30 devices on a Xiaomi Gateway ? I’m not sure if the 30 device limit is hard limit in the software on the phone or on the hub ?

The Zigbee protocol is a mesh network any devices, connected to repeaters would not appear as individual addresses on the hub. So if 5 devices ( battery powered) were connected to a repeater ( any mains powered zigbee device) would that be 1 device added to the total or 6 ?

The reason i’m asking is I have 27 devices already :slight_smile:

I’ve got:
1x ZigBee Socket
10x Door/Window Sensors
7x Body Sensors
8x Temp&Humid Sensors
4x Buttons
1x Smoke Detector
1x Gas Detector
so that gives 32

But maybe not all of them are treated/counted the same way …

gives me hope at least another 5 device then :wink:

The official limit is 30, although i have managed to get 31 devices paired, after that i had to get another gateway

Thanks @aidbish. How many mains powered devices do you have ?

2 connected to each gateway

@aidbish My hub has locked out me on 20 devices. I am not exactly sure if its version 1 or 2 (Definitely not 3 as there is no HomeKit support)

Q1 - How can I find my gateways version?
Q2 - If 20 is the limit then is there any other way to get ZigBee Sensors integrated without needing additional gateway.

In my case, after device 16th other zigbee devices start loosing connection regardless where they are located (some of them besides gateway).