Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara): play ringtone Dosent work anymore

Hi there,
The following service has not worked for some time:

      - service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
          gw_mac: 79:11:DA:B1:LF:7E
          ringtone_id: 2
          ringtone_vol: 20

Version on the APP: 1.4.1: 176.0220

this is displayed in Home Assistant:

Mac ist correct.

All devices such as switches etc. work without problems.

Can anyone Help me pls?


service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
  gw_mac: 7C48EBB0DB93
  ringtone_id: '11'
  ringtone_vol: 20

Try it: :unamused: 78:11:DC:B1:EF:6E to 7811DCB1EF6E :grinning:

service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
  gw_mac: 7811DCB1EF6E
  ringtone_id: '2'
  ringtone_vol: 20


I had already tried that, unfortunately without success.

The following is in the log

Gateway Key is not provided. Can not send commands to the gateway.

So now it goes again.

I did not specify an ip / Mac address during the integration (it also said optional). I also left the field with the key blank.

Now I have IP / MAC and the key and it works again

Thanks for the help.

how do you get the key?