Xiaomi Gateway key not accessible

I’m pretty new to Home Assistant and so far I love all the possibilities. Installed with HASS.io. But while I was attempting to connect my Xiaomi Gateway Hub I realised I can’t access the Local Area Protocol page on the MiHome application. It just shows a toast notification saying “current device does not support this feature” and I can’t figure out why. It shows the token and several mac addressed in the Gateway Information section below the Local Area Network Communication Protocol but that isn’t needed to connect this. My server is Mainland China. Also tried several versions of the application but no luck. Current Gateway Firmware is 2.46. Can anyone help? Any ideas?

v1 of Xiaomi Gateway did not support token + LAN activation.

v2 does support and also has radio support.

To be 100% sure if you have v1 or v2, please check if you can find radio support in gateway sub-device settings, under the gateway itself.

Okay. Mine is v1. No radio function anywhere. It does show a Zigbee channel in the Gateway information. Would it provide the same functionality if I can somehow add it in Home Assistant through Zigbee?