Xiaomi Gateway (lumi.gateway.v3) doesn't show up in HA

It seems i managed to connect to my Xiaomi Gateway (lumi.gateway.v3)t, but it doesn’t appear in my HA components.
I followed the tuto to enable LAN mode and get the key.
Here’s my HA logs :

2020-05-08 21:21:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.discovery]
Already discovered service xiaomi_gw {‘host’: ‘’, ‘port’: 54321, ‘hostname’: ‘lumi-gateway-v3_miio87678251.local.’, ‘properties’: {‘epoch’: ‘1’, ‘mac’: ‘7c49eb1d7e3e’}, ‘mac_address’: ‘7c49eb1d7e3e’}.

and my configuration.yaml :

  discovery_retry: 5
    - key: 33AF0547ACC54F71

Any clue ?