Xiaomi Gateway (Mio Gateway V3) and Mosquitto broker on hassio


i have install the add-on Mosquitto broker with the step by step guide, its for zigbee2mqtt.

Until i have install mosquitto, my 2 gateway fails :

2019-09-08 23:53:00 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [xiaomi_gateway] Cannot connect to Gateway
2019-09-08 23:53:00 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [xiaomi_gateway] No data in response from hub None

and i see a connexion on the mqtt broker that i dont know what it is :

1567973430: New connection from on port 1883.
1567973430: New client connected from as auto-A62D45E4-0C15-BC6C-7B8D-1A27AAC91194 (p2, c1, k60, u'OliveMqtt').
1567973481: New connection from on port 1883.
1567973481: Client esp8266a8252e already connected, closing old connection.
1567973481: New client connected from as esp8266a8252e (p2, c1, k32, u'OliveMqtt'). is my hassio rpi4 (mosquitto too) is an esp8266 weather display who display temperature with Mqtt.

Sorry, i am a big noob…i begin in hassio but what i understand is the Mqtt broker make something bad or interfer with my 2 Mio Gateway…

Is someone could help please?