A few months back I started rebuilding my HA.
I made the decision at the time id rather not use the default Xiaomi Gateway and instead looking at ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT.
I purchased a Conbee2 and off I set on my journey.
I could see using both that the link qualities weren’t great, though the Z2M I’m not exactly sure what the lqi was as there is a bug in the conbee that reports the same increasing value for all end points and they don’t look like fixing that soon.
To improve stability I bought 3 Tradfri repeaters, however looking at my lqi in ZHA these do not help as all my end devices (which are ALL Xiaomi buttons, motion sensors, door sensors or temp sensors) ignore the repeaters and connect direct to the Conbee.
I have tried deleting my network and resetting up by connecting specific devices to specific repeaters, however looking at the lqi it appears as though they still connect to the Conbee, but I can’t prove this as there are no lines to any of the sensors in my network map.
I’m all but ready to reset up my whole ZigBee ecosystem using my two Xiaomi Gateway (version 2). Before I do this, is there anything els I should try?
Thank you