Xiaomi honewell Smoke sensor

I have purchased a xiaomi honeywell smoke sensor and i have set it up with the gateway.
After pressing the test button on de smoke sensor i don’t see any state changes of the signal from the sensor.

I have several doorsensors, temperature sensors and wireless switches running without any problems.

The tests appear in the MI Home app, so the connection with the gateway is working.

I try to sent a message with following code but nothing happens, what am i missing?

 - alias: 'Melding Rooksensor zolder geactiveerd'
    hide_entity: True
      platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.smoke_sensor_xxxxxxx
      to: 'on'
      - service: notify.alert
          message: "Rooksensor geactiveerd , density value: {{states.binary_sensor.smoke_sensor_xxxxxxx.attributes['Density']}}"
              sound: "US-EN-Alexa-Smoke-Detected-Generic.wav"

I’d try this change:

      platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.smoke_sensor_xxxxxxx
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'

Also, it should be:

  - service: notify.alert

I don’t think the ‘from: off’ part is strictly necessary, the data_template is IIRC.

I have one, works very well - I did the notification in Node Red instead though.

Thnx for the reply, but it is still not working!
When i press the button on the smokesensor i see a PUSH message is sent in the logfiles from the gateway, but in the message the state is off. Also an alarm attribute is sent and a voltage, but that is not an attribute i can discover within the entity explorer in the HA GUI.

Did you ever figure this out? I’d like to automate this as well so I get a notification if the test button is pressed. I also see the PUSH off in the log, but no ‘on’ is sent when the test is activated.