Xiaomi Hubs not connecting to HA

I have two Xiaomi hubs for Xiaomi zigbee devices. I had an Internet issue the other night and rebooted my router, this has been an issue since then where HA does not connect to one of the Xiaomi hubs and if it does it drops out after a few hours and all my Xiaomi devices show as unavailable. I also upgraded HA within a day or two of this happening so that may be a factor as well and me rebooting my router just a coincidence.

I can talk to both Xiaomi hubs ok via the MiHome app and see all of the devices. I can see both have good signal strength except for once that shows s 70% signal strength but says check your connection but things still seem to work ok.

I have had these hubs for almost two years and no issues. I have rebooted and moved the hubs, given them IP reservations in my router, rebooted the router multiple times, rebooted HA countless times. Sometimes one hub will come up and not the other and then after a while the one that did come up seems to drop off.

Any ideas please? I have not changed any settings except for the reservations and HA update.

No data in response from hub None

9:42 AM components/xiaomi_aqara/switch.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 2636 times

Cannot connect to Gateway

9:42 AM components/xiaomi_aqara/switch.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 2636 times

Update of switch.plug_158d0002115297 is taking over 10 seconds

9:42 AM main.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 525 times

Unknown gateway ip

9:42 AM /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xiaomi_gateway/init.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 3412 times

Unknown gateway ip

9:42 AM /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xiaomi_gateway/init.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 4029 times

Update of switch.plug_158d0001de7de8 is taking over 10 seconds

9:42 AM main.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:41 AM and shows up 525 times

Updating xiaomi_aqara switch took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30

9:42 AM helpers/entity_platform.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:42 AM and shows up 524 times

Update of switch.plug_158d0001fa6530 is taking over 10 seconds

9:42 AM main.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:42 AM and shows up 524 times

Update of switch.plug_158d0001f24c17 is taking over 10 seconds

9:42 AM main.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:42 AM and shows up 524 times