Xiaomi Humidifier support

hey folks got mine humidifier today, is anybody out there who got it working in different subnets/VLANs? I already saw that this might cause in errors, but that there are a few of ppl got it working.

platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
name: Luftbefeuchter
model: deerma.humidifier.jsq

I ran into error below:

logger: custom_components.xiaomi_miio_airpurifier.fan
Source: custom_components/xiaomi_miio_airpurifier/fan.py:1664
Integration: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier ([documentation](https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier), [issues](https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier/issues))
First occurred: 16:16:25 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:16:25

Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device

I just did it yesterday for the deerma.humidifier.jsq, it works with this HACS integration (cloud): hass-xiaomi-miot/README.md at master · al-one/hass-xiaomi-miot · GitHub
Aside from the device itself, the entities exposed are:

  • Humidity Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Light (its LED)

You can turn it on/off and set a target humidity.

I was a bit disappointed that there is no water tank level, not sure if it’s a limitation of the hardware or of the integration, but it’s missing also from the app.

If anyone knows how to bypass the cloud account and go for local control only, I’m all ears.

EDIT: HA and the Humidifier are on separate VLANs

Did you find a solution?

I get the same error in the logs and the fan shows as unavailable in Developer Tools.
Only difference is I run everything on the same routher with no subnet’s.

Water tank is added in the next HA release

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No solution for different vlans, I brought it to the same vlan as the HA server :man_shrugging:

This model will be supported by the core integration after 2021.9 release Xiaomi Miio - Home Assistant


My deerma.humidifier.jsq is realy unreliable (see screenshot). I have tested it with both syssi’s xiaomi_airpurifier custom component and the Xiaomi Miio core integration.
When it works, it work well and I can’t say one integration is different from the other on this matter. Also there’s no problem in Mi Home app.

Home assistant log:

2021-09-06 15:09:35 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier' for xiaomi_miio integration not ready yet: Unable to discover the device; Retrying in background
2021-09-06 15:43:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio] Timeout fetching Mi Smart Antibacterial Humidifier data

I’m trying to add an Xiaomi mi antibacterial humidifier, it should be supported it’s an deerma.humidifier.jsq5.
This is my config:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Humidifier Office
    host: ip_address
    token: token
    model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

But in de logging i am getting this error:
Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device ip_address

With extra debug logging on i get no extra messages.
What can be the problem?
I’m using this integration with hacs:


Any news with deerma.humidifier.jsq5 support?

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I have it working with the hacs integration Xiaomi Miot Auto.
Extracten the key with the extractor tool and added it local.

I think the integration Miio (official one) is better for that humidifier, has all the features of the device as opposed to the HACS integration

But that is cloud based

All Xiaomi integrations are cloud based even if the Integration states it’s “local”. Even if the Integration acts locally afterwards. This is due to the fact that their token acts as login. Try unplugging the internet, it won’t be able to log in.

i would love to see deerma.humidifier.jsq5 added. Just bought two of them :frowning:


Weird… My zhimi_humidifier_ca4 is blocked from WAN connection and it works.
Only one thing I allowed is DNS resolution sice it was flooding network with DNS requests. App is connected to cloud and shows me old data. I can click and set some options however it’s not altering anything phisically with humidifier.

@dave-castle I know that it was long time ago (VLAN) but it’s working. One simple thing is needed SNAT/Masquerade for HA (server) when connecting to Xiaomi devices.

Thanks but sold the device

I’m using mini-card card for humidifier Xiaomi, what I wnat to do: have a buttons which I can turn on device and turn off after 15/30/45/60 minutes.

Thinking to create different scripts 15/30/45/60 minutes and create 4 buttons. Any Ideas?

Also would be great to set random time when device will be turned off…

I am on 2021.10.1 and can’t get this installed. Is there anything I am missing?

I have tried both the HACS version with this in configuraiton.yaml and received the error on check configuration below:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Xiaomi Dehumidifier
    token: !secret xiaomi_humidifier_token
    #model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Had to comment out the model line due to this error at check config:

Invalid config for [climate.xiaomi_miio_airpurifier]: value must be one of ['nwt.derh.wdh318efw1'] for dictionary value @ data['model']. Got 'deerma.humidifier.jsq5'. (See ?, line ?).

Trying to install via the Xiaomi Miio also fails. It is detected but fails to set up:

Fails to setup.

Log details:

Logger: homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio
Source: components/xiaomi_miio/__init__.py:128
Integration: Xiaomi Miio (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:52:39 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:52:39

Unsupported device found! Please create an issue at https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier/issues and provide the following data: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Have also tried to setup manually by providing the token without success.

Can’t get that to work either.

*** Update *** I set it up as a fan and now have it working!

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Xiaomi Dehumidifier
    token: !secret xiaomi_humidifier_token
    model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Thanks @currest2620 that worked for me. Too bad the default integrated Xiaomi didn’t work.

Short description for anyone with the same problem: Getting Xiaomi Dehumidifer to work.

  1. Wifi router, lock Xiaomi to IP address so it doesn’t change

  2. Get device tokens
    GitHub - PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor: This tool/script retrieves tokens for all devices connected to Xiaomi cloud and encryption keys for BLE devices.

  3. HACS install Xiaomi

  4. configuration.yaml add the devices

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