Xiaomi Humidifier support

I think the integration Miio (official one) is better for that humidifier, has all the features of the device as opposed to the HACS integration

But that is cloud based

All Xiaomi integrations are cloud based even if the Integration states it’s “local”. Even if the Integration acts locally afterwards. This is due to the fact that their token acts as login. Try unplugging the internet, it won’t be able to log in.

i would love to see deerma.humidifier.jsq5 added. Just bought two of them :frowning:


 My zhimi_humidifier_ca4 is blocked from WAN connection and it works.
Only one thing I allowed is DNS resolution sice it was flooding network with DNS requests. App is connected to cloud and shows me old data. I can click and set some options however it’s not altering anything phisically with humidifier.

@dave-castle I know that it was long time ago (VLAN) but it’s working. One simple thing is needed SNAT/Masquerade for HA (server) when connecting to Xiaomi devices.

Thanks but sold the device

I’m using mini-card card for humidifier Xiaomi, what I wnat to do: have a buttons which I can turn on device and turn off after 15/30/45/60 minutes.

Thinking to create different scripts 15/30/45/60 minutes and create 4 buttons. Any Ideas?

Also would be great to set random time when device will be turned off

I am on 2021.10.1 and can’t get this installed. Is there anything I am missing?

I have tried both the HACS version with this in configuraiton.yaml and received the error on check configuration below:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Xiaomi Dehumidifier
    token: !secret xiaomi_humidifier_token
    #model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Had to comment out the model line due to this error at check config:

Invalid config for [climate.xiaomi_miio_airpurifier]: value must be one of ['nwt.derh.wdh318efw1'] for dictionary value @ data['model']. Got 'deerma.humidifier.jsq5'. (See ?, line ?).

Trying to install via the Xiaomi Miio also fails. It is detected but fails to set up:

Fails to setup.

Log details:

Logger: homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio
Source: components/xiaomi_miio/__init__.py:128
Integration: Xiaomi Miio (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:52:39 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:52:39

Unsupported device found! Please create an issue at https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier/issues and provide the following data: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Have also tried to setup manually by providing the token without success.

Can’t get that to work either.

*** Update *** I set it up as a fan and now have it working!

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Xiaomi Dehumidifier
    token: !secret xiaomi_humidifier_token
    model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5

Thanks @currest2620 that worked for me. Too bad the default integrated Xiaomi didn’t work.

Short description for anyone with the same problem: Getting Xiaomi Dehumidifer to work.

  1. Wifi router, lock Xiaomi to IP address so it doesn’t change

  2. Get device tokens
    GitHub - PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor: This tool/script retrieves tokens for all devices connected to Xiaomi cloud and encryption keys for BLE devices.

  3. HACS install Xiaomi

  4. configuration.yaml add the devices

1 Like

i have Xiaomi model deerma.humidifier.jsq2g
and it’s not supported, workaround try to use either of these:

and it will work for you to control and read the data.

Hello all,
I have successfully integrated and automated my humidifier " deerma".
But one thing I do not like, when the tank is empty the status no_water does not change to true!
It does so only after it turns on again and then realizes that there is no water in the tank, which is a bit annoying because it just should not turn on when there is no water in it.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

Hey together,

i would like to ask again how I can report a problem or if someone has a solution.

The humidifier switches off when there is no more water in the tank, but the state of the attribute no_water remains false!
The attribute no_water changes to True the next time the humidifier is turned on, I have observed that the humidifier tries to turn on a few times and then realizes that there is no more water in the tank.

The humidifier switches the attribute no_water to True when there is no more water in the tank and not when it is switched on again.

My configuration:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio_airpurifier
    name: Luftbefeuchter
    host: !secret host_humidifier
    token: !secret deerma.humidifier
    model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5


  - Low
  - Mid
  - High
  - Auto
preset_mode: null
model: deerma.humidifier.jsq5
temperature: 23
humidity: 43
mode: 3
buzzer: false
target_humidity: 60
led: false
no_water: false
water_tank_detached: false
friendly_name: Luftbefeuchter
supported_features: 8


Home Assistant 2023.3.0
Supervisor 2023.01.1
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230301.0 - latest

Thanks in advance for your effort

You can use this instead

Thanks a lot, i will check it but i guess only a firmware update from Xiaomi can fix this issue for my device.

Have a look here: Switch attribute "no_water" to true if no more water in the tank (Deerma.humidifier.jsq5) · Issue #329 · syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier · GitHub

For those wondering why this is so important to me, well firstly i think it is unnecessary for the device to try to start even though there is no water in the tank, secondly i would like to have an automation set up that triggers a message when there is no more water in the tank and if there is water in the tank the device starts normally.

Same here. I also would like to emphasise the wish to add the humidifier.jsq5. In my region also popular device.

They work in Xiaomi Miot Auto. But I actually RMA all three units I had. All three have a “faulty” fan after ~10 months of use (not really cause during summer their were off completely). All starting producing strange noises. I reckon that the fan was broken.

Hello all, hope you are fine,
I use a deerma.humidifier.jsq2g with HA. I have HaCS with the Xiaomi integration module.
HA Core : 2024.4.3
OS : 12.2
Hacs : 1.34.0

I read your comments and thank to you I succeed to Integrate my deerma but very very partially.

So I change the climate with fan in my configuration.yaml and also the type of deerma to the closest I have. But for the moment I can only turn on and turn off and change the speed.

When I try to add functions I have an error messages:

Invalid config for ‘xiaomi_miio_airpurifier’ from intĂ©gration ‘fan’ at configuration.yaml line 23: ÂŽtarget_humidity’ is an invalid option for ‘fan.xiaomi_miio_airpurifier’ check: target_humidity

Does anybody can help me with the attributes to have the others functions?

And do you know if I can ask to support natively the jsq2g?

In advance thanks a lot for your help and support.

Best regards.
