Xiaomi Humidifier support

Maybe I did something wrong?

How do I add it to hass.io? Thanks.

p.s. I also wrote here: https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier/issues

where should i report that with the newest firmware version of zhimi.humidifier.ca1 (v.
token is reported as invalid by HA (HA v.0.102.3 on RPi#1)?

[homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio.fan] Got exception while fetching the state: 
Got checksum error which indicates use of an invalid token. Please check your token!

but when is use the same token in miiocli, it works like a charm:

[root@u7 bin]# ./miiocli airhumidifierca1 --ip <ip_edited> --token <token_edited> status
Power: on
Mode: OperationMode.Silent
Temperature: 23.3 Ā°C
Humidity: 65 %
LED brightness: LedBrightness.Dim
Buzzer: False
Child lock: False
Target humidity: 60 %
Trans level: None
Speed: 544
Depth: 71
Dry: True
Use time: 9307465
Hardware version: 0001
Button pressed: None
[root@u7 bin]#

definition of humidifier in condifurtion.yaml in HA:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    host: <ip_edited>
    token: <token_edited>
    name: humidifierX
    model: zhimi.humidifier.ca1

If you need more info, please letā€™s me know, e.g. debug or others.

PS. I also checked on different Mi Home app versions. Humidifier was recognised and added every time (v5.0.19, 5.4.49, 5.4.54, 5.6.x). But when i copied tokens from this apps to HA, i got ERROR in HA that token is not valid every time. So obiously this is something wrong on HA site and I want to help to fix this.

Is u7 your HA host (RPi#1)? If not please try to contact your Air Humidifier by miiocli from your Pi.

No u7 is not HA host, but i also did another test from my HA host (RPi#1). Take a look:

root@raspberrypi:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
c6da27237ee0        homeassistant/armhf-addon-configurator:3.7        "/run.sh"                3 days ago          Up 3 days                               addon_core_configurator
c6ce161e5e66        homeassistant/armhf-addon-duckdns:1.10            "/run.sh"                3 days ago          Up 3 days                               addon_core_duckdns
5f8ce69252f0        homeassistant/armhf-addon-samba:9.0               "/run.sh"                3 days ago          Up 3 days                               addon_core_samba
d03f002ac053        homeassistant/armhf-hassio-dns:1                  "coredns -conf /confā€¦"   3 days ago          Up 3 days                               hassio_dns
96b804d0168e        homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant:0.102.3   "/bin/entry.sh pythoā€¦"   4 days ago          Up 3 days                               homeassistant
12f1f32f5a22        homeassistant/armhf-hassio-supervisor             "/bin/entry.sh pythoā€¦"   5 weeks ago         Up 3 days                               hassio_supervisor
root@raspberrypi:~# docker exec -i -t 96b804d0168e /bin/bash
bash-5.0# find / -name miiocli
bash-5.0# /usr/local/bin/miiocli airhumidifierca1 --ip <ip_edited> --token <token_edited> status
Power: on
Mode: OperationMode.Medium
Temperature: 22.7 Ā°C
Humidity: 61 %
LED brightness: LedBrightness.Dim
Buzzer: False
Child lock: False
Target humidity: 60 %
Trans level: None
Speed: 796
Depth: 70
Dry: True
Use time: 9560148
Hardware version: 0001
Button pressed: None
bash-5.0# exit

This is strange. Do you use any custom components? Could you tell me the installed version of ā€œconstructā€ (at your homeassistant container)?

Hello guys, I am having issue with my brand new Smartmi Air Humidifier 2. The device in the Mi Home app shows temperature = 0, humidity = 0 and remaining water = 0. Device works - the remaingin water LED works fine. What is strange, I can see the humidity level (55%) on the top of the Mi Home app homepage (sometimes even temperature). I tried to reinstall Mi Home app, remove and add device again. Nothing works. I am on iPhone SE with latest iOS 13.3. I am on Europe server with EU humidifier. Anyway I cant use it for the automation at all. Is the device faulty? Thank you.

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Also interested in supporting this model.

Hey guys, does anybody have news about the support of the Deerma humidifiers? Like this one deerma.humidifier.mjjsq?

Hi Doudou,
this works very well:

Just use it as a custom component, deerma.humidifier.mjjsq is supported.
Donā€™t know why it is not supported in official HA release.
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Hi Jirin,

I have the same issue however Iā€™m using android system. Did you find any solution?

Hi, can you show the code snippet for this humidifier? He appeared in my objects, but the device itself is not available. I think that something Iā€™m doing wrong))

I tried to add the zhimi.humidifier.cb1, but something goes wrong:

Got exception while fetching the state: {'code': -9999, 'message': 'UART timeout'}

I saw that some received this error in the past, but I donā€™t understand why this could happen as the zhimi.humidifier.cb1 is supported.

Iā€™m on Home Assistant 0.107.0

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To update my own post. It seemed my Home Assistant installation was messed up. Backed up configuration, purged HA (made sure nothing was left), installed again and everything was fine again.

Can you give me the image (link) of this humidifier?

Thank you for that! I was able to configure my deerma.humidifer.mjjsq with this component and can see the same attributes that you showed above.

What I canā€™t figure out is how to set the target humidity. I tried adding the humidifier as ā€œclimateā€ rather than ā€œfanā€, but got an error saying that the model isnā€™t supported. Do you know what I need to do to control the target humidity?

hello, is this model supported?

the Smartmi Humidifier Evaporator 2 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) is out for almost a year now. Is it still not supported? Homebridge already supports it https://github.com/russtone/homebridge-mi-humidifier/issues/26

Itā€™s pretty much the same as the first version just with a screen.

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The device is supported by https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier and can be installed via HACS easily. Could you provide the model no. of your device to improve the documentation?

Ah great, I didnā€™t know there was a custom component for humidifiers. It works now. The model no. is ā€œCJXJSQ04ZMā€.

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Could somebody help here? https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier/issues/80

Iā€™m trying to improve this list of supported devices: https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airpurifier

If you own a supported device please provide the module number (f.e. CJXJSQ04ZM) and the ā€œmost likelyā€ product name. Thanks!