Xiaomi IMILAB EC2 integration with HomeAssistant

Hello I was thinking of buying this camera for Home Security because it suits my House needs.

Unfortunately it does not support Onvif protocol.
after reading this https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/xiaomi/
Do you think:

a) Home Assistant will be able to recognise the camera maybe via Blue Iris
b) I could some how “modify the camera software” like other examples. If yes any ideas about existing git repos + steps of doing it

I have same camera but no info found to use it in home assistant

Basically you need download some app, extract token id, then write code in yaml and add some integration as far as I understood correctly


Did someone deal with A1 or EC3 cameras from IMILAB to have them in HA?

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Hello, through this integration the control unit detects me and nothing else, is it possible to get image, sensors and controls?