Xiaomi IR Remote, how can I configure it like a switch?

I need to control a AC device that has diferente IR codes to turn On and Off. I used to have it configured as a Switch when this was a custom component but now that it is a Remote I’m lost…

Mi objective is to create a Generic Thermostat and use the Xiaomi IR to turn On and Off the Air Conditioning.

This worked great when the component was a switch but now I can’t see a solution.

Any advice?


Can anyone help?


Have you figured this out?

This exactly what I’m trying to do now

EDIT: did toggle switches for cooling and heating, using template switch which controls booleans which automates scripts

if you need more details please ask, now I’m into generic thermostat, will update if success

Hi Caboz
Could you share your configuration of script kindly? I have define a Xiaomi IR remote but the script doesn’t work.

Check this :

Try to use Template Switch