Xiaomi Kettle


Has anyone got an integration with the Xiaomi Kettle working?

It uses BLE, so I assume the integration would be similaor to the plant sensors from Xiaomi?



I’d be interested too :slight_smile:

I’d be very interested !! It’s would be great :grinning:

Hey @syssi Are you interested in adding support for this in python-miio? I have one and can help with the library testing etc.

It’s a bluetooth kettle that can set a temperature within a range and can maintain it for a specified duration.

If it would be a WiFi device which uses the miIO protocol I would be interested :wink:

Are there any news on this?

Im no expert, but I bought one of these kettles a while back and you cant even turn it on from the app. The app just shows you the temperature of the kettle and allows you to set its maximum temperature and how long it should stay at that time for. Therefore, cant see it being good for HA.

I will be looking at either AppKettle Boil my smart kettle from HA or iKettle instead - thought I cant find a link at present.

Hey guys, I have managed to develop a PoC for the kettle, and I can connect to it successfully. I would need at least one volunteer to help me test if it works on more than one kettle. Is anyone interested ? You can see my progress here: https://github.com/drndos/mi-kettle-poc

Hey drndos,

i would be interested . Maybe we could combine your work with the project https://github.com/zewelor/bt-mqtt-gateway

They already supporting some xiaomi blt devices and have an abstraction for custom workers.


This would be cool to get implemented into HA. I have just ordered the Kettle. Looking forward to a HA component :smiley:

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I have one of these kettles shoved at the back of my cupboard
What do you expect and potential implementation to be able to achieve?
I don’t believe you could even start the kettle from the Xiaomi app?

You will not be able to fully controll it, but you can do some funny things, have a look at:

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I tried to get you POC running, so the authentication seems to work.

But when i subscribe to the status message, the device always disconnects.

Could you please explain what the magic numbers in this part of the code should do:

controlService= p.getServiceByUUID("01344736-0000-1000-8000-262837236156")
controlDescriptors = controlService.getDescriptors()

Thanks a lot

How add sensor in ha from your custom component?


  • Implement home-assistant library

I don’t think you can.

you can give a guide how to install it please?
i cant running this program on raspberi pi

I haven’t written any program.

its work for you?
@ nimey

Bumping this thread.
I have XIAOMI YM-K1501EU

All I need to do is schedule to boil it everyday at 9am.

Although I am having second thoughts since what will happen if I forgot to put water in it at night. This could potentially be a fire hazard move.

I am not sure if the device can detect water - by detecting weight maybe?

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hello here.

you can use the integration of Cybele to Home Assistant Hassio

Cybele supports Xiaomi Kettle and some other BLE devices.

it works with my Xiaomi Mi Smart Kettle YM-K1501

you can see kettle state as sensor in default lovelace

also you can have limited control via MQTT (read instructions)