Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM alternative

I have a Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM switch connected to a 2 gang light switch.
When its connected and online, it works perfect as expected.

But since addressing a number of my zigbee issues by changing devices, this is giving me trouble.
It randomly drops offline, and theres no way to bring it back other than a power cycle. As this is installed in-wall, the only way to power cycle it is to toggle the breaker. Obviously not ideal.

Does anyone have an alternative device they can recommend ? 240v AC, 2 gang, zigbee. Ideally acts as a repeater but thats not a show stopper.


Have you found a reliable zigbee relay since then?

Im not sure what changed, but its actually been super reliable over the last 12 months or so.

I wonder if it was an issue out of my control, such as a neighbours wifi network, as it was in a location close to a neighbouring property.