Xiaomi Magic cube deconz input_select

Hello, i’ve got a problem with the xiaomi magic cube and deconz. I’am fine with listening to the deconz_event and i get all the events, when i flip, rotate and shake the button.

For easy use, i want a sensor, which indicates the upper side of the cube. I made an input_select, which the following options and a sensor. For example, when deconz_event fire 6002,6003,6004 i want, that the sensor option is seite6. When deconz_event fire 3002,3003,3004,3005 than option should be seite 3. Could anybody give me an advice. Thank you

    name: Cube2 Seite oben
      - seite1
      - seite2
      - seite3
      - seite4
      - seite5
      - seite6
    initial: seite1

        - input_select.cube2_seite_oben
      value_template: '{{ states.input_select.cube2_seite_oben.state}}'
      friendly_name: 'Cube2 Seite oben'