Xiaomi Mi Desklamp 1SS

I recently bought a xiaomi mi desk lamp 1s which I was trying to install esphome on. However, I received its improved version. looks the same but the board is different. Unfortunately, the pins are not signed. Can someone help me how to locate rx, tx pins and gpio0. Thank you

Like this I guess?


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Were you ever able to figure this out? I’m stuck on mine and been trying to figure it out for two days now, with no luck.

ESP module have label on it: ESP-WROOM-32D.

Yeah, I get that, I’m trying to figure out which test pads map back to the pins on the ESP32. My luck with testing connectivity between the test pads and the chip have been unhelpful. It’s highly likely I’m doing something wrong.

IMHO probably TP3 & TP4 is You looking for.

TP3 and TP4 only connect to TX and RX if you bridge R9 and R10, respectively. No clue how I’d manage that unless there’s something else basic I’m missing.

I found no usable (connected) testpoints.
What I did was connect Rx/Tx to R9 and R10 respectively (thought about bridging them to the testpoints…but whats the use as one only flashes the lamp once, right?).
Furthermore I connected ground and wires to EN (number 3 in layout above) and GPIO 0 (number 25 in layout above).
Rx/Tx/Ground go to the serial adapter. To enter boaotloader mode EN and GPIO 0 have to pulled down (connected to ground when powering on the device). Then release EN (pulling it high). After that (terminal console should print something like “waiting for download”), GPIO 0 ca be released as well.
Then I made a backup of the whole flash as a fallback and flashed tasmota32solo.bin and followed the instructions (basically followed this link )

Then just removed the wires and put the thing back together.