Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P

I tried both following the automatic configuration through the cloud server login and the manual one with IP and token.
The problem is even after successfully logging in, it retrieves the Xiaomi devices and the robot is listed as “Mi Robot - viomi.vacuum.v8”, but after clicking Send it says that model is not known and it asks me for picking one from a list.

After picking a random one (one of the several with “vacuum” in the name) the integration still doesn’t work, and in the log the following error appears:

Logger: miio.miioprotocol
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/miio/miioprotocol.py:240 
First occurred: 00:28:44 (23 occurrences) 
Last logged: 00:36:51

Got error when receiving: timed out

any hint?

no one has experience on this?

Hey, I recently got the Mop P device to show up on HA with basic functionality.

Here is the post that I followed to get it up and running (thanks Kiril!!)

I get the error “Platform error vacuum.miio2 - Requirements for miio2 not found: [‘python-miio==0.5.6’].” when checking configuration after updating to 2022.03

Is anyone else having this issue or know of a wok around?

Same here

Platform error vacuum.miio2 - Requirements for miio2 not found: [‘python-miio==0.5.5’].

Any idea ?

Same here, it worked fine until the last update.

same for me. any solution?

same for me. any solution?

Any solution?

GitHub - nergal/homeassistant-vacuum-viomi: Integration of a Xiaomi Viomi vacuum to a Home Assistant work good for me

GitHub - nergal/homeassistant-vacuum-viomi: Integration of a Xiaomi Viomi vacuum to a Home Assistant ,work good


it works but how can we access the maps


So at the end . to be able to stil use my xiaomi mi vacuum v8 (mop p) robot i have the next settup:
1.Here is the content from configuration.yaml:
- url: /local/xiaomi-vacuum-card.js?v=4.4.0
type: module

  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: 192.168.x.x
    color_path: [255, 255, 255]
    draw: [‘all’]
    store_map_image: true
    store_map_path: /share/
    force_api: viomi
    scale: 1
    top: 20
    bottom: 20
    left: 20
    right: 20
    auto_update: true
    seconds: 600 #10minutes
    • calibration_points


  • platform: xiaomi_viomi
    host: 192.168.x.x
    name: Vacuum V8
  1. Integration presented a bit up: GitHub - nergal/homeassistant-vacuum-viomi: Integration of a Xiaomi Viomi vacuum to a Home Assistant

  2. https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor#map-transformation-configuration
    3.1 https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card

  3. Here is the yaml of the card:
    type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
    entity: vacuum.vacuum_v8
    vacuum_platform: KrzysztofHajdamowicz/miio2
    map_locked: false
    two_finger_pan: true
    camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    camera: true
    title: Fraier

For anyone that is still interested, I found that the tykarol/home-assistant-viomi-vacuum-v8 integration works very nicely with the PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor

Rooms, zones and point cleaning operations all work directly from the map view.

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I’m trying to check if that work with the
Xiaomi Robot Vacuum X10+ GL but not sure where to get the token, do I need to sign up for xiaomi API I suppose?