Xiaomi Mi Scale - Timestamp issue

Hello all,

I have a Xiaomi Mi Scale weight scale that sends its data via Bluetooth. Home Assistant with a BT stick, as well as the add-on from lolouk44 are able to process this data.

2023-07-18 07:12:45 - (INFO) Publishing data to topic miscale/Ulrich/weight: {"weight":137.20,"weight_unit":"kg","bmi":40.09,"basal_metabolism":5000.00,"visceral_fat":19.77,"timestamp":"**2023-07-18T07:12:45+00:00**"}
2023-07-18 07:12:46 - (INFO) Data Published ...
2023-07-18 07:12:48 - (INFO) Publishing data to topic miscale/Ulrich/weight: {"weight":137.20,"weight_unit":"kg","bmi":40.09,"basal_metabolism":5000.00,"visceral_fat":19.77,"timestamp":"**2023-07-18T07:12:48+00:00**"}
2023-07-18 07:12:48 - (INFO) Data Published ...
2023-07-18 07:12:50 - (INFO) Publishing data to topic miscale/Ulrich/weight: {"weight":137.20,"weight_unit":"kg","bmi":40.09,"basal_metabolism":5000.00,"visceral_fat":19.77,"lean_body_mass":81.82,"body_fat":40.95,"water":42.16,"bone_mass":4.14,"muscle_mass":76.88,"protein":13.87,"body_type":"Thick-set","metabolic_age":80,"impedance":371,"**timestamp":"2023-07-18T07:12:50+00:00**"}
2023-07-18 07:12:50 - (INFO) Data Published ...

There is now a problem with the timestamp.

As you can see in the log file, the action took place at 7:12.
Also the timestamp in the logfile is correct: "“timestamp”: “2023-07-18T07:12:50+00:00"”

But in Home Assistant it changes the time. And if I observe this correctly, HA sees the time as UTC, and because we have daylight saving time here right now, HA adds 2 more hours:


Where is the error now?

A wrong setting in the add-on?
A wrong setting in HA?

Who can help me here?

The +00:00 literarly means “UTC”, so the logfile, whatever one it is, does seem wrong.

Thank you, @koying!

This is the log file from the add-on itself.