Xiaomi Miio breaking change gives warning about vacuum since 2021.4

Home Assistant 2021.4 had a breaking change in the Xiaomi Miio integration noted as follows:

The Xiaomi Miio Fan, Sensor & Light platforms can now be configured via the UI.
If you currently have them configured using YAML configuration, they will be automatically imported into the UI on upgrade. After upgrading, you can safely remove the YAML configuration for these devices.

As you would suspect I got a warning in the log about it:
Loading Xiaomi Miio Vacuum via platform setup is deprecated; Please remove it from your configuration

Now I have a Roborock S5 vacuum cleaner and can’t see anything in the UI about configuring it. The change log only notes that UI has been changed for fans, sensors and lights too.

Should we wait until there is a UI for vacuums as well, ignoring the warning for now and hope for a fix before 2011.10 is released (when this issue is going to result in an error instead)?

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In your integrations, you should see your device listed in the Xiaomi Miio integration :


They’re automatically imported, so you can delete them from your configuration.yaml.


Thank you a lot for the answer. Seems to work after configuration.yaml removal too and the warning is gone.

Just have one question left about where to change the IP address and token (if needed or adding more devices) though?

My Xiaomi Miio in Configuration/Integrations looks like below and I can’t find any input fields on the device or entity pages for the Roborock.

When the IP address or the token change in the future, you can remove the integration and add it again.

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That’s not very convenient, isn’t it? With many devices that would mean reconfiguring all of them, even when only one changed?


You’re not going to delete the whole integration, but rather the integration of the device you want to edit.
It would be more convenient to be able to edit though, hope it’s coming in a future release.

100% agree - this obfuscation is very frustrating. It’s like HA is being dumbed down. If the IP changes but the token doesn’t it will mean we have to store the token somewhere else. Completely confused by these recent changes. Being able to modify the IP or mac address that it must store somewhere is critical IMHO.