Xiaomi MIIO vs Xiaomi Aqara integration

I have been using for a long time Xiaomi aqara integration. I’ve set up 3 gateways aqara and bunch of devices (sensors, switches and so on) but after last update i noticed that “Integrations” show exact the same gateways as detected “Xiaomi miio integration”
Should I migrate to new integration or stay at “Xiaomi aqara”. Which solution is better/stable/more functional?

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Same here. Did you try it?
Edit: Tried it and while everything was working as before, I lost the xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone and xiaomi_aqara.stop_ringtone services. So don’t try it.

I have the same question. What is the difference between the two?
I’ve searched around and I found a thread stating that

Xiaomi_Miio uses direct TCP connection to the gateway.
Xiaomi_aqara uses UDP multicast address for communication with the gateway.

also, from the docs, I read that Xiaomi_Miio is [Local Polling] while the Xiaomi_aqara is [Local Push]
So the Xiaomi_aqara, which should also be the older integration, seems overall better to me.

@jojoro which hub do you use ? Thinking of buying one as I’m not able to get P1 motion sensor to work with Z2M. This is the hub that I’m thinking of


Posted this same question here
Xiaomi MIIO vs Xiaomi Aqara integration · Issue #83464 · home-assistant/core (github.com)

HA V: 2023.3 here.
Xiaomi_miio not connected to the cloud.

In my scenario I can see some differences between the two:
Xiaomi_aqara detects more sensors: like a wall switch, magnet sensor, motion sensor. Those are missing in Xiaomi_miio.
Xiaomi_miio exposes some attributes of some sensors that Xiaomi_aqara does not and viceversa. Example in Xiaomi_miio I can see the Power consumption of the Power Plug sensors.
Example in Xiaomi_aquara I can see the Battery Level of a Weather sensor.

Is there any way to force a missing sensors detection for Xiaomi_miio?
Why some sensor’s attributes are not exposed?

I would love some guidance on this. Thanks

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