Xiaomi Mija Mosquito Repellent (Bluetooth)

Hello Folks

Someone has integrated it in Home Assistant?

Xiaomi Mija Mosquito Repellent (https://www.gearbest.com/pest-control/pp_009183475227.html)



Any updates on this? This intergration would be really cool! :slight_smile:


i wait too…

Any hope this will be implemented?

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Any updates on this?

is somebody working on this?

Any update?

Nothing :frowning:

Use this: https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.mitemp_bt

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I’m already using this but thic components only reads stats about power status and tablet remaining life, it does not offer anything to directly control the device or am i missing something?

It could use ON / OFF :slightly_smiling_face:

Completely missed that, i read again the README on the repo but i can’t find any reference to that. Any help? For sure is something i missed in the configuration

platform: mitemp_bt
rounding: True
decimals: 2
period: 60
log_spikes: False
use_median: False
active_scan: False
hci_interface: 0

This is my configuration

Anything? :neutral_face:

me too interested to control it!