Xiaomi Mijia bluetooth temperature & humidity sensor compatibility

The sensor is the same on the photo. Now I do the other test and let you know.
i have tried the cmd:
sudo hcidump --raw | grep -A 1 “02 01 06”
and the answer:
In the file sensors.yaml, i have this:

  - platform: mitemp_bt
#    mac: '58:2D:34:35:5C:86'
#    name: Xiaomi T_U
#    force_update: true
#    median: 1
#    monitored_conditions:
#      - temperature
#      - humidity
#      - battery

The data is OK… Let’s go to personal messages? We’ll post the solution here when we find it.

Thanks for your help. I’m new and I didn’t understand what you mean by “Let’s go to personal messages?”. What should I do?

OK. If you need more information, I am available.

Hello! Finally it happened. Thanks to @Ernst, our component is now available through the HACS repository. There is still a lot of work, but a big step has been taken that will make life easier for everyone. Installation instructions there, issue tracking is also there now.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the repository, some changes have been made, so I recommend everyone to upgrade:
  • Obtaining temperatures below the declared -9.9°C - the error is displayed on the display, however, the sensor continues to send data regularly, I managed to bring it to -24°C approximately. The lower limit is -40°C now;
  • The component now always stores temporary data in RAM, regardless of the location of the temp mount points;
  • By default, a completely passive mode of operation is now used.

If you have already used the component installed manually from the gist, then before installing it from the repository it may be worth deleting the component folder (I have not tried reinstalling as is) and remember about options inside sensor.py, if you changed them - they will be overwritten.

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Congratulations about custom and hacs availability! I have been using it in hassio without 2 first installation steps. It’s necessary now do it? Hassio is capable without? Thanks in advance

If the component is working, then maybe you already did these steps when installing another component? Unfortunately, I had no experience with Hassio, so I can’t say for sure… In any case, if the manually installed component worked, then this update will work, since nothing has changed at a low level.

I imagine hassio has that these steps explain included because I did nothing more than copy folder manually and add configuration to my package. I’ll install from hacs! Thanks

Confirmed, working in hassio only doing only steps from 3 to 6.

It even works without removing mac from the old default integration, just ignore it and scan devices. (A single hygrometer configured in the default way, with mac, has now detected 2 in my bluetooth coverage.)

Anyway I have removed mac and other parameters as the instructions say and everything works correctly.

A question:

I have changed CONF_MITEMPBT_PERIOD to 120 seconds in the sensor.py, if the component is updated I will have to do it again right?

thank you very much, everything works fabulous

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Yes, unfortunately. Options will be overwritten. Configuration through configuration.yaml is one of the top priorities now.

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Thanks a lot, this is a great component! Love it! Until yesterday, i didn’t even know about it :smiley:

And I can confirm, that installation on hass.io is working like a charme, without any pre-requirements. I installed via HACS, restarted and everything worked right away.

If that’s ok with you @Magalex, I’d send in a PR with a changed readme.md, that covers hass.io. :slight_smile:

Thanks, great addition. IMHO this should replace the built-in variant, but who am I to decide that… :slight_smile:

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Thanks guys. Of course, if there are any corrections or additions, then send PR, @Ernst and I will see.

Note that there are two files, the README.md and the info.md, which are almost similar. The first is used on Github as landing page, the latter is used in HACS. There is a small difference in these two files, info.md is not telling you how to manually install it (as you are already viewing it in HACS). Both files need to be updated, but I can do the other for you.


Excellent work!

Could it be possible to include Xiaomi BLE LYWSD02 sensor package logic too?

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Hello @JJussi. I remember about your question asked recently on github (in the repository before moving to the HACS platform). Indeed, I have confirmation that the LYWSD02 sensor also broadcasts data. However, the issue with the support of this sensor (as well as other similar ones from Xiaomi, including MiFlora) is complicated by the fact that I do not have it. But I also can neither confirm nor deny the fact that the contents of the broadcast packets LYWSD02 are different. Tell me, have you tried using our component to receive data from LYWSD02?

You mean Ernst79?
Those github LYWSD02 codes uses different BT libraries and I haven’t managed to install those to hass.io

But, you could look those python codes and find from there what is logic of BLE package.
I could of course test codes, if you need someone to do that (and I think that here is some other who have that LYWSD02 model too)

Yes. To prepare moving to HACS, Ernst firstly created repo under his account.

I saw the code you referenced. Our component uses a different principle, so I suggest you just try installing our component, wait a couple of minutes, and see if sensors like mi_t_xxxxxxxxxxx and mi_h_xxxxxxxxxxx appear in the list of entities. If not, then later I will think, and will be ready to give you instructions for collecting the data necessary to implement LYWSD02 support in our component.

Version 0.3.0 has been released with the option to add the optional parameters via your configuration.yaml file. In the previous release, this needed to be changed in the python files, and got overwritten with updates.

To the attention of everyone who is interested in supporting other Xiaomi sensors.
We are talking about:

  • HHCCJCY01 (MiFlora)
  • LYWSD02 (rectangular body, E-Ink)
  • CGG1 (round body, E-Ink)

Since I do not have these sensors, I need some data to implement their support. Click the link below for instructions:

As I wrote earlier, I am not a professional, my programmer skills are not so good, and understanding some things takes a little longer than I would like ) Overall, strength in the community. Thanks to @Ernst, we are already in HACS repo. I think we can handle this issue as well )