Xiaomi motion sensor "stuck"

I have setup my Xiaomi gateway in home assistant, and all my sensors were discovered automatically.

I want through and gave them “friendly name” using the customise menu in the front end web UI.

They were all triggering fine. I did have to rename some as I got them mixed up.

Now 2 motion sensors aren’t triggering in home assistant, but I can see that they are in the Xiaomi Mi Home app.

I tried removing them from the Xiaomi gateway and re paired them both, but no change.

Any ideas to try get them working? The other 4 work just fine. Maybe there is a bug when renaming them using the customise tool from the front end?

Ok, an update.

I disabled LAN access and then re enabled it in the Mi Home app. The motion sensor came good for a few hours, but now is unresponsive again.

It’s still responsive in the Mi Home app though.

Would adding them manually using a sensor template make any difference?

Are you enabling via IOS or Android?
I’ve had problem with the xiaomi gateway when enabling via IOS but Android just works fine.
Use bluestacks if you dont have Android phone.

Using Android. The other 4 motion sensors and 4 Fodor sensors are working just fine. Has me puzzled.

Any way to re-add or refresh the initial gateway setup within home assistant?

I had this ones as well. In states ( <> icon ) you can force the state of the sensor. That worked for me.

I just got hit by this issue.

Renaming motion sensors entity ids causes no_motion_since to not be updated anymore.

Removing from entity registry doesn’t seem to help. Old names are restored but no_motion_since is stuck at zero.

@syssi @Danielhiversen