Xiaomi Remote Learning & Sending Commands for AC

any news?

Hi All,

I am having the same problem. My Xiaomi remote is configured and working for other devices, but not my A/C.

I got the raw commands using the service: xiaomi_miio.remote_learn_command

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    name: bedroom_remote
    token: !secret xiaomi_remote_token
    slot: 1
    timeout: 30
    hidden: false
          - raw:mc0mswlkxm8ymEsmk0ADKYABlMQECmYAhTSZzCWTOcgILNAIDAH8AfwB/AH8AegYFAY8AfwB/BA8KrJjMgqzDEILPwa/AH8AfwB/AH8AfwB/AH8AfwB/AH8AfwB/AH8Afw+OEasd9AECHncDGoAA
          - raw:mc0mswlkxm8ymEsmkzADKYABlMQECmYAhAIXNAIDAH8AfwB/AH8AegYPAg8AfwB/BAmYzKcgpeClwDCgh+AP4A/gD+AP4A/gD+AP4A/gD+AP4A/gD+AP4A/iR+BD4A/wAA==


    - service: remote.send_command
      entity_id: remote.xiaomi_miio_10_1_1_47
          - 'ac_off'

    - service: remote.send_command
      entity_id: remote.xiaomi_miio_10_1_1_47
          - 'ac_on'

I am having the exact same issue.
i have configured my Android Box, Tv, speakers and all with no issue what so ever.
and the AC unit is giving me a headache.
it works fine in the mi home app, and i learn the command, it just wont send.
i did a little research and the thing is that the AC units send more complex codes with their remotes.
it basically sends 3 or 4 different parameters in one command. but i don’t have a clue on what to do with that information not why it doesn’t work.
so if anyone does have a clue on how to resolve this please be kind to post.

Hi, this is my first post here so Hello Everybody,
I’m fighting with Xiaomi Universal Remote during last week and below are my findings:

  • Important is to check which version Xiaomi IR Remote you have. According to https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/remote.xiaomi_miio Pronto codes works only with chuangmi.ir.v2 - I have chuangmi.remote.v2 and I received error message when I tried to use Pronto codes.Maybe this will save time for some people which I lost.

  • Token. The easiest way is to install BlueStack (android emulator in PC) and install MI Home 5.4.38. In that version token is available under Remote Control -> three dots -> General Settings -> Network Info. You don’t need search it in internal database, logs or whatever. It is inside the app!

  • I tried to record IR codes using MI Home and find them in logs in the android folder: /data/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/files/IR_REMOTE_DID_device.json but I couldn’t find them. In many places people mentioned that they should be located in that folder, but I tried to use different version of MI Home like : 5.0.19 and some older with without luck.

  • I found also one weird issue. I tried to record IR codes using MI Home from my A/C remote, I created new device inside the app, but when I tried to turn on/ turn off the device it didn’t work. Air Con created by Mi Home settings working fine. Why ?

  • I have remote Haier V9014557

i have a mitsubishi heavy AC unit, and i cannot get the Xiaomi remote to work with it. i have the Mi remote connected to Home assistant, and i can leave codes by XIAOMI_MIIO.REMOTE_LEARN_COMMAND. i can also control other devices at home with the RAW learned, but i just cant control my AC.

even for the same action on turning on or off my AC with the same settings, the RAW comes back differently each time.

have read some projects on github focusing on decoding AC remote codes, it seems to be a pretty complicated protocol and im not sure about how to translate that into the base64 “raw” code of this plugin.


