Xiaomi Sensors - Battery Level - anybody know what it really means?

No, me neither. I bought a 3V CR1632 the other day to try with one of my door sensors and fitted it this morning. Battery level changed from 49 to 55, not quite what I would have expected but at least it changed.

Edit: within minutes, the battery level dropped to 51.

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I’ve graphed the battery level value.

As you can see, once it reaches a value is almost flat. Maybe a signal level?


Fascinating graph, revin.

I’ve read everything on every forum about Xiaomi Aqara sensors, and it seems that the battery_level reported is simply meaningless?

So what happens when the sensors run out of battery, they just silently stop working?

Would you mind sharing the code snippet for your graph?
Would love to use that!

I’ve had a motion sensor not working properly for a while. The current battery level is being reported as 33, so that is possibly the minimum level to operate correctly. Haven’t put a new battery in it yet.

I posted some background here: Xiaomi Aqara > Battery level

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I am having serious problems with the Xiaomi temperature sensors. I have tried changing batteries, as you can see in the attached timeline. But batteries drains very quickly (within one or two weeks), I loose connection to the sensors. I wouldn’t mind if the battery reading was wrong, as most of you points out, but I do experience drop-outs when the battery gets to about 60%. Then I can push to button on the sensor to get it working again, and it runs for about 1 week more to about 35-37% and then it drops out again.I have tried changing batteries, but with same results.

Am I doing something wrong, how can you get your sensors to work for months ? - When I only get weeks ?

Hoping for some advice on the matter, as I now have 6 sensors that all have the exact same behavior.


Are they far away from the gateway? It could be due to low connectivity.

Well I have 6 sensors around the house, and the gateway somewhere in the middle. But all acts the same no matter the placement.

I had this connectivity issue. For me It was 2.4ghz wifi interference as the frequencies are close to Zigbee. Try manually setting your wifi router to a channel away from 11 like 1 or 5.

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Same behavior here.

Did you find any solution?

Try @Haden suggestion as this is most likely not a battery issue.

After the sensors was lost a couple of times, it stabilized. It would seem that a voltage of some sort in the batteries causes this. I am using different brands of batteries, all with same issues. But when the Battery level gets below 40%, it seems to hold its voltage and the sensors are not loosing connection any more.

Can someone please paste a snippet of the code to read the batteries? Still does not work here after 2 hours for the Switch and Cube… as they only have it as attributes.
I read the same attributes from the hue motion sensor, but it just does not work with the xiaomis.

Here you go. 

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Bedroom Battery"
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.temperature_158d000234878e', 'battery_level') | round(0) }}"
        device_class: "battery"
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I have already the problem, that the XIAOMI Sensors don´t have the right Battery Level.
Has anyone solved this Problem ?

mine still shows ~45 after 2 years…

Yeah, it’s like it is, it only updates after a half year or more

HA shows not the voltage, but the electrical capacity of the battery.
I suppose…

here’s a formula I found for calculating the battery level

Math.min(Math.round((voltage - 2200) / 10), 100);

I don’t know if it’s accurate, but it’s what I’m using.

here’s where I found it: https://github.com/pierrecle/node-red-contrib-mi-devices/blob/4c8978decf996006a952588413fce228d99d6a6c/src/utils.js

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