Hi all. I have a bunch of Xiaomi sensors - temperature/humidity, door/window, motion. They all report a battery_level - but I’m not too sure exactly what the reported number actually represents. Looks like this:
That makes the most sense to me also … but like you, I have never seen a sensor > 50 or so. Seems like if it was really a percent, some of these things would have been near 100% straight out of the box brand new.
The good news here is that I have never had to change a battery yet in the 6 months I’ve had them …
Why not try to swap a battery anyway, just to see if the indicated battery capacity changes? I’ll give it a try if I remember to buy the right type of batteries the next time I’m at my local tech/gadget store.
My sensors all report somewhere between 31-49 (%), newer ones slightly higher than older ones.
Ok - so quick experiment. I replaced the battery in one of my motion sensors. These sensors use a 3V CR2450 Lithium battery. With the battery that has been in the sensor for several months, the battery_level was being reported from HASS as 45. When I took the battery out, I measured the voltage at 2.98. The new battery had a voltage of 3.25V fresh out of the package. When I replaced the battery, HASS still reported the battery_level as 45.
So…still no idea what the heck battery_level means
No, me neither. I bought a 3V CR1632 the other day to try with one of my door sensors and fitted it this morning. Battery level changed from 49 to 55, not quite what I would have expected but at least it changed.
Edit: within minutes, the battery level dropped to 51.
I’ve had a motion sensor not working properly for a while. The current battery level is being reported as 33, so that is possibly the minimum level to operate correctly. Haven’t put a new battery in it yet.
I am having serious problems with the Xiaomi temperature sensors. I have tried changing batteries, as you can see in the attached timeline. But batteries drains very quickly (within one or two weeks), I loose connection to the sensors. I wouldn’t mind if the battery reading was wrong, as most of you points out, but I do experience drop-outs when the battery gets to about 60%. Then I can push to button on the sensor to get it working again, and it runs for about 1 week more to about 35-37% and then it drops out again.I have tried changing batteries, but with same results.
I had this connectivity issue. For me It was 2.4ghz wifi interference as the frequencies are close to Zigbee. Try manually setting your wifi router to a channel away from 11 like 1 or 5.
After the sensors was lost a couple of times, it stabilized. It would seem that a voltage of some sort in the batteries causes this. I am using different brands of batteries, all with same issues. But when the Battery level gets below 40%, it seems to hold its voltage and the sensors are not loosing connection any more.
Can someone please paste a snippet of the code to read the batteries? Still does not work here after 2 hours for the Switch and Cube… as they only have it as attributes.
I read the same attributes from the hue motion sensor, but it just does not work with the xiaomis.