Hello to everyone,
Yesterday i upgrade HA Core that is working in a docker synology nas from version 0.110.X to version 0.113.2.
Once I restart HA, i saw that mi xiaomi gateway Aqara was discovered automatically, but at the same time was already configured the Xiaomi miio Gateway (alarm system)
When i try to configure the Xiaomi Aqara, appears this error:
In the case of the Xiaomi miio Gateway i can see only this device
and this entity
but all human sensors, or door/window sensor not displays the status.
In case that I arm the xiaomi alarm system by home assistant, in case that some sensor detect motion, then the alarm sound rings… Also if i want switch on light of my xioami gateway, i can’t. HA says:
Someone has the same experience than me in lastest version of HA?vMaybe can be a bug?
I saw that in gitub someone reports problems with lastest version and multigateways…
In my logs i only see this:
> 2020-08-03 17:24:24 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [xiaomi_gateway] Gateway discovery finished in 5 seconds