Xiaomi Sensors Stopped Working (Supervisor 206)

Hi all,

Have anyone else problems with your Xiaomi Sensors (using the Xiaomi Gateway) after updating to the latest Supervisor 206? I know it might not make sense, but everything was running before I upgraded (from Supervisor 201) and now I don’t see Motions Sensors change at all. I checked the Xiaomi App and I do see that the devices changes state instantly in there.
Both Gateway and Home Assistant + NUC has been restarted → No change.

I can still manage my Gateway from Lovelace turning the lamp on and off.’

EDIT: I just flipped the turn on and off light a few times on the Gateway, then I did see this in the logs:

Got error element in data {“error”:“Invalid key”}

So i checked the Xiaomi app and the password is still the same - so I tried updating it → rebooting but unfortunately still the same.


I am seeing the exact same thing after upgrading.

the same here, wireless sensors and switches,before updating the supervisor was working

The same for me, after the update all xiaomi sensors stopped working

The same for me.

I’ve got the same issue. Gateway light and temperature sensors are working, but switches and motion sensors are not!

Have you updated any to HACS v0.22.0?
I think HACS is the problem

Did you try downgrading HACS?

It is a problem with HACS v0.22.0. Downgrade and all is OK.

I restored a backup copy in which I had v0.21.6., the supervisor is still at 206, not if it is a supervisor update info error
but if I don’t update to HACS22 everything works here


Maybe we should leave a message on git to the HACS developer, letting him know what we just learned?

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we can open a issue in hacs repository but i have to go to sleep,its late here

Here as well. I will try to look into it tomorrow morning :).
Thanks for your support and testing!

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Confirmed downgrading hacs to 21.6 resolved the issue!

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Could you explain how to downgrade pls? Thanks

Looks like ludeeus already looked into it!

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same problem for me :[

Yes the hacs 0.22.1 is about xiaomi gateways… “Disable socket test due to flaw in PyXiaomiGateway”

All is ok after update of 0.22.1 HACS !

thanks @ludeeus :slight_smile:

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anyone experiencing this with hacs 0.23? can´t get my gateway to be find

No sorry, its working perfect since the 0.22.1 released.

You might have another problem…back up your last snapshop :wink:

I deleted the HACS and worked again my xiaomi, but will try other things, thanks anyway

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