Xiaomi Smart Home Gateway Network Radio

Hello there,

i’m sharing my custom component that adds the Xiaomi Smart Home Gateway as a media player for the Network Radio.

it supports play/stop, volume control and next radio in favorites
(same behaviour as miHome app)

hope is useful for anyone


Hi, thank you for this component.
But after upgrade HASS to 0.88 it stopped working.

I agree. After the upgrade, it stopped working.


This is my modification, and works well:

""" https://github.com/h4v1nfun/xiaomi_miio_gateway/blob/master/custom_components/media_player/xiaomi_miio_gateway.py """
Add support for the Xiaomi Gateway Radio.

import logging
import voluptuous as vol
import asyncio
from functools import partial

import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.components.media_player import (
from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import (
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_TOKEN, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON)

REQUIREMENTS = ['python-miio>=0.3.7']

ATTR_MODEL = 'model'
ATTR_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 'firmware_version'
ATTR_HARDWARE_VERSION = 'hardware_version'

DEFAULT_NAME = "Xiaomi Gateway Radio"
DATA_KEY = 'media_player.xiaomi_miio_gateway'

ATTR_STATE_PROPERTY = 'state_property'
ATTR_STATE_VALUE = 'state_value'

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
    vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)),
    vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string,

def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_devices, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up the Xiaomi Gateway miio platform."""
    from miio import Device, DeviceException
    if DATA_KEY not in hass.data:
        hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {}

    host = config.get(CONF_HOST)
    token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN)

    _LOGGER.info("Initializing Xiaomi Gateway with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5])

        miio_device = Device(host, token)
        device_info = miio_device.info()
        model = device_info.model
        _LOGGER.info("%s %s %s detected",

        device = XiaomiGateway(miio_device, config, device_info)
    except DeviceException:
        raise PlatformNotReady

    hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = device
    async_add_devices([device], update_before_add=True)

class XiaomiGateway(MediaPlayerDevice):
    """Represent the Xiaomi Gateway for Home Assistant."""

    def __init__(self, device, config, device_info):
        """Initialize the entity."""
        self._device = device

        self._name = config.get(CONF_NAME)
        self._skip_update = False

        self._model = device_info.model
        self._unique_id = "{}-{}-{}".format(device_info.model,
        self._icon = 'mdi:radio'
        self._muted = False
        self._volume = 0
        self._available = None
        self._state = None
        self._state_attrs = {
            ATTR_MODEL: self._model,
            ATTR_FIRMWARE_VERSION: device_info.firmware_version,
            ATTR_HARDWARE_VERSION: device_info.hardware_version,
            ATTR_STATE_PROPERTY: 'pause'

    async def _try_command(self, mask_error, func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call a device command handling error messages."""
        from miio import DeviceException
            result = await self.hass.async_add_job(
                partial(func, *args, **kwargs))

            _LOGGER.info("Response received from Gateway: %s", result)

            return result[0] == "ok"
        except DeviceException as exc:
            _LOGGER.error(mask_error, exc)
            return False

    def name(self):
        """Return the display name of this Gateway."""
        return self._name

    def state(self):
        """Return _state variable, containing the appropriate constant."""
        return self._state

    def assumed_state(self):
        """Indicate that state is assumed."""
        return True

    def is_volume_muted(self):
        """Boolean if volume is currently muted."""
        return self._muted

    def volume_level(self):
        """Volume level of the media player (0..1)."""
        return self._volume

    def supported_features(self):
        """Flag media player features that are supported."""

    async def turn_off(self):
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway off failed.", self._device.send,
            'play_fm', ['off'])

    async def turn_on(self):
        """Wake the Gateway back up from sleep."""
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway on failed.", self._device.send,
            'play_fm', ['on'])

    async def volume_up(self):
        """Increase volume by one."""
        volume = round(self._volume * 100) + 1
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway volume failed.", self._device.send,
            'set_fm_volume', [volume])

    async def media_next_track(self):
        """Send next track command."""
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway volume failed.", self._device.send,
            'play_fm', ['next'])

    async def volume_down(self):
        """Decrease volume by one."""
        volume = round(self._volume * 100) - 1
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway volume failed.", self._device.send,
            'set_fm_volume', [volume])

    async def set_volume_level(self, volume):
        volset = round(volume * 100)
        result = await self._try_command(
            "Setting the Gateway volume failed.", self._device.send,
            'set_fm_volume', [volset])

    async def mute_volume(self, mute):
        """Send mute command."""
        volume = 10
        if self._muted == False:
            volume = 0

        result = await self._try_command(
            "Turning the Gateway volume failed.", self._device.send,
            'set_fm_volume', [volume])
        if result:
            if volume == 0:
                self._muted = True
                self._muted = False

    async def async_update(self):
        """Fetch state from Gateway."""
        from miio import DeviceException

            state = await self.hass.async_add_job(
                self._device.send, 'get_prop_fm', '')
            _LOGGER.info("Got new state: %s", state)
            volume = state.pop('current_volume')
            state = state.pop('current_status')

            _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state)

            self._available = True
            if volume == 0:
                self._muted = True
                self._muted = False

            if state == 'pause':
                self._state = STATE_OFF
            elif state == 'run':
                self._state = STATE_ON
                self._volume = volume / 100
                    "New state (%s) doesn't match expected values: %s/%s",
                    state, 'pause', 'run')
                self._state = None

                ATTR_STATE_VALUE: state

        except DeviceException as ex:
            self._available = False
            _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex)


1 Like

in 0.97 custom component is broken. home assistant says no integration found. Can someone help me?

in 0.98.5 custom component is broken. home assistant says no integration found :frowning:

Add the file __init__.py to the root of the plugin folder

Hello I have the same problem.
I am under 0.108.4. Can you tell me which files to put in the folder of the custom component directory as well as their content. I still get the “no integration found” error. Can you also give me back the code to put in configuration.yaml.
thank you in advance

Is this still working?

I use this to get the FM Radio to work since h4v1nfun doesn’t seem to be active on the project https://github.com/igzero/xiaomigateway <-- Works great

Can someone tell me is this network radio working ?
tried h41nfun method , then igzero and can’t make ir working.
Anybody have some directions ?
My HA version - Home Assistant 2021.3.4

This fork - GitHub - Burninf/xiaomi_miio_gateway: Home Assistant Xiaomi Gateway Radio of initial @h4v1nfun project is working for me including controls on HA 2021.5.0

.would like to spin up my own server to get the radio working don’t wanna depend on a Russian side anyway Russian servers are blocked in my router