Xiaomi smart home

Would love to see the Xiaomi Smart Home suit being supported on HA

is there any thing that can be done outside of the xiaomi apps? any hackery going on?

I do not think there is any open API to communicate with the Xiaomi Smart home device.
So someone have to hack their system and make an interface, before we can add it to HA

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I think Xiaomi has opened their platform for 3rd party developers. I’ve found interesting site https://open.home.mi.com/index.html#/intro. It’s in chinese but there’s some links on Github and it has description of serial communications with wifi module.

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Very interesting…

Someone has integrated Xiaomi Yeelight into HA. Hopefully this will open the door for more integration for Xiaomi Smart Home products.

I have found something which might be helpful:

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Has anyone manged to get this working? I assume if Homebridge can access it, HomeAssistant should be able to as well?

Did you try it?

What about the homebridge plugin for the Xiaomi aqara gateway… did anybody try that out? Anything we could do with that?

More info:

The homebridge plugin looks good, but it cant communicate back to HA.So still searching… :disappointed_relieved:

I’ve got something working as a xiaomi hub to mqtt gateway, the code and process used to make it is available on my note server:

I’m going to make a real project our of it very soon, so integration of home assistant (using mqtt components) is nearly done :slight_smile: You can already use it like this, even if it’s sketchy.

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I’m probably going to write an home assistant plugin for this too by the way. Having a separate server for xiaomi to mqtt maybe isn’t the best way to go.


Xiaomi to MQTT sounds good enough for me. Anyway, thank you in advance.

Perfect…waiting for my package to get delivered to try it out :slight_smile:

As well interested in this. Just ordered xiaomi smart home devices. Will be happy to try out stuff or implement stuff (if I find the time).

Bought all the sensors except for the plug and the door sensor, can’t wait to try it.

A working example: https://github.com/home-assistant/homebridge-homeassistant

A native home assistant plugin (with discovery) would be awesome !

It looks like Xiaomi hub broadcasts sensor data via udp. Someone already had working prototype of HASS plugin.