Xiaomi Yeelight E27 bulb component

As a feature I’d like to propose new component to support Xiaomi Yeelight E27 light bulbs.
They are wifi connected dimmable lightbulbs and quite cheap at about 15$.
If someone could provide Home assistant for it that would be great.

In fact Xiaomi has made quite few smart home products like temperature/humidity sensors, switches and ir remotes. It would be good to implement Xiaomi products as they are quite cheap and seems to be of good quality.


I support.

Same here, +1

I have 2 and it is not supported by Alexa. So I hope it could be supported by HA

Have you tried the flux led component: https://home-assistant.io/components/light.flux_led/ ?
Many of these chinese bulbs use the same protocol.

Ok. Thanks. I will try tonight.

Did you try the flux led component with Xiaomi Yeelight?
Works fine?

Failed. Who will help ?

If you can find any documentation for the communication with the bulbs or an API, I can try to implement a Xiaomi light component.

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I bought this one : Xiaomi Yeelight LED Smart Bulb Smartphone App WIFI Remote Control Light 8W White Color Mi Light
by Xiaomi professional store
Link: https://amzn.com/B01AIAXMGU

Not sure the correct api or not :


more : http://www.yeelight.com/en_US/developer

Thanks Smaship!!!
After quick scan it seems that’s exactly what is needed to implement the Yeelight Component.
There is python example http://www.yeelight.com/en_US/developer and full API documentation: http://www.yeelight.com/download/Yeelight_Inter-Operation_Spec.pdf
I don’t have enought python knowledge to implement it but I think with someone with Python skills it shouldn’t be a problem to implement this component support.

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found. Pls read my post.

Ok, I can try to implement it in HA, but since I do not have any such bulbs my self I would need help to test the component.
Have anyone tried the python code? Is it working?

I hav the bulbs , can I help though I do not know coding ?

I have tested the python code and it is not discovering the device.
After enabling developer mode from the phone application the provided python code worked!!

Thank very much.

Hi! I’ve tested the python code and it works.
I’m available to test your code if you need to.
Thank you

Have looked at the python code and it is not compatible with python3, and it have to be completely rewritten to be used by HASS.
Unfortunately, I do not have time for that the next weeks, but I maybe will do it later.

Looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

Me too :slight_smile: