Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 support for HA

Hello everyone,

I have recently bought a Xiaomi WiFi Smart Plug 2 and wondering whether it supports Home Assistant.
I have tried connecting it using Xiaomi Miio, but the switcher is grey out and further text is shown:

This entity is no longer being provided by the xiaomi_miio integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what else can be done?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Nikita, if the plug is this one: Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 Wi Fi
I managed to integrate it via Xiaomi Miot AUTO, which you install via HACS.
Everything works except the sensor that should record the power consumption (Power Consumption), I have not managed to do so. So I can not know how much the device connected to it spends.
I hope the information is useful. Greetings.

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The HACS doesn’t seem to find my socket in my account, may someone help?