Xiaomi switch disappeared since 0.80.x release

I have since beginnings this code for two xiaomi wireless smart plugs

- platform: xiaomi_miio
  name: Ciabatta Salotto
  token: e0ed7e997b40ae6047f0b1705e3038a0
#  model: zimi.powerstrip.v2
- platform: xiaomi_miio
  name: Ciabatta TV
  token: e26cecbc9d61a29761c36b2e7b7f24a2
#  model: zimi.powerstrip.v2

But suddenly they are not anymore recognized by HA.
What happened?

Logs may tell us.

Sorry no log about this problem… Only not anymore switches created with the configuration i posted above.

I enabled the model: zimi.powerstrip.v2 in the code and now i get this in the logfile:

2018-10-23 12:12:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Got checksum error which indicates use of an invalid token. Please check your token!

But the token are the same as before and also if i extract again the tokens i get the same error. Now i have the switches created but they are both unavailable.
I think something happened after 0.80.x release as before of this all was working good… What is the meaning of that error?

Having this code:

- platform: xiaomi_miio
  name: Ciabatta 1
  token: e0ed7e997b40ae6047f0b1705e3038a0
  model: zimi.powerstrip.v2
- platform: xiaomi_miio
  name: Ciabatta 2
  token: e26cecbc9d61a29761c36b2e7b7f24a2
  model: zimi.powerstrip.v2

Now i get 2 switches named switch.ciabatta_1 and switch.ciabatta_2_2 so why the second has that name?