Hi all,
I have an xiaomi temperature & humidity 2 sensor (square) and xiaomi socket plug.
And I want that it turns on my IR panel (via xiaomi socket plug) when temperature is below 22C and turns off when it’s above 22C.
Sometimes it triggers automatically and sometimes it doesn’t.
I’ve installed custom FW to the
sensor, set the advertising of a sensor to 10 seconds.
And I can also see it in a log that it triggers sometimes, but does nothing…
Here is the settings of an automation (which also works ok when run manually):
alias: IR panel + socket - turn off if above 22C
description: ""
- type: temperature
platform: device
device_id: scrambledid
entity_id: sensor.temperature_humidity_sensor_d85b_temperature
domain: sensor
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
above: 22
- condition: time
after: "07:00:00"
before: "23:00:00"
- sun
- sat
- fri
- thu
- wed
- tue
- mon
enabled: true
- type: turn_off
device_id: deviceidscrambled
entity_id: switch.ir_ir_panel
domain: switch
mode: single
alias: IR panel + socket - turn on if below 22C
description: ""
- type: temperature
platform: device
device_id: scrambledid
entity_id: sensor.temperature_humidity_sensor_d85b_temperature
domain: sensor
below: 22
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
- condition: time
after: "07:00:00"
before: "23:00:00"
- mon
- tue
- wed
- thu
- fri
- sat
- sun
enabled: true
- type: turn_on
device_id: scrambledid
entity_id: switch.ir_panel
domain: switch
mode: single
Thanks a lot!