Xiaomi Temperature and Humidity Sensor

I have a couple of these sensors and while the temperature reported seems reasonable, I’m not so sure about the humidity reading. I have one in my family room right next to a humidity monitor that I have been using for years. The Xiaomi sensor is reporting the humidity at 48% versus 40% on my existing monitor - seems like a pretty big difference. Of course it may be that my Xiaomi sensor is correct and my existing monitor is wrong :confused:.

Anyone else seeing “questionable” humidity levels being reported?



I don’t know about humidity but I found the temp was over reading and needed calibrating

Calibrating? … there’s a way to calibrate these things?

I did it within home assistant. I created the following sensor

#temp and humidity sensor
- platform: template
      value_template: >-
        {{ (float(states.sensor.temperature_1558tgjhc467.state) - 2.5 ) }}
      friendly_name: 'Bedroom'  
      icon_template: mdi:thermometer

It over read by 2.5c hence the - 2.5


Awesome, thanks for sharing!
